Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) the ppt: Evolving the Geosynchronous Imagers Timothy J. Schmit NOAA/NESDIS/ORA Advanced Satellite Products Team (ASPT) in Madison, Wisconsin in collaboration with the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) UW-Madison
Current GOES Imagers -- a wide variety of Applications Oceanographic Weather Numerical Weather Prediction Natural Hazards Hydrology/ Land Surface UW Climate
Only GOES-R can address these deficiencies While there are a great number of uses of current GOES Imager data, there are limitations of the instruments designed in the 1980s Regional/Hemispheric scan conflicts Low spatial resolution Missing spectral bands Only GOES-R can address these deficiencies
The Advance Baseline Imager: ABI Current Spatial resolution Visible (0.64 mm) 0.5 km Approx. 1 km All other bands 2 km Approx. 4 km Spatial coverage Full disk 4 per hour Every 3 hours CONUS 12 per hour 4 per hour Operation during eclipse Yes No Spectral Coverage 12+ bands 5 bands
Visible and near-IR channels the proposed ABI the radiance plot is the same clear SCAR-B scene “Blue-Green-Red” bands used for true color images.
from MODIS show clouds, suspended sediment, smoke, land features, etc. Bahamas MODIS Bands 1/4/3 (0.65, 0.555, 0.47 μm) Mississippi River Delta 2002/015 - 01/15 at 17 :10 UTC Phytoplankton and sediments in Gulf of Mexico “True color” examples from MODIS show clouds, suspended sediment, smoke, land features, etc.
IR channels on the current GOES and the proposed ABI This is from Mat G. UW-Madison/CIMSS
ABI Bands Band pass are approximate Current GOES Imagers
ABI Bands Current GOES Imagers MSG or Sounder Band pass are approximate MSG is Meteosat Second Generation 7.4 um could be switched to a 7.3um. Current GOES Imagers MSG or Sounder
ABI Bands Current GOES Imagers MSG or Sounder MODIS or MTG etc Band pass are approximate MTG is Meteosat Third Generation Current GOES Imagers MSG or Sounder MODIS or MTG etc These bands will lead to both improved and new products.
The anticipated schedule for ABI will be full disk images ABI spatial coverage rate versus the current GOES Imager ABI coverage in 5 minutes (goal) GOES coverage in 5 minutes The anticipated schedule for ABI will be full disk images every 15 minutes plus CONUS images every 5 minutes.
Lake Effect Snow Bands: Visible MODIS 0.25 km Lake Effect Snow Bands: Visible MODIS 0.5 km MODIS 1 km 19 January 2001, 1720 UTC GOES-8 1 km
Severe convection: IR windows 25 February 2001 MODIS (1 km) ABI (2 km) Severe convection: IR windows 25 February 2001 GOES-8 (4 km) The simulated ABI clearly captures the over-shooting (cold) cloud tops, while the current GOES Imager does not. Images shown in GOES projection.
Cloud Thermodynamic Phase 21 April, 2001 at 1745 UTC ARM Southern Great Plains Site Mixed BTD[8.5-11] and BT[11] consistent with mixed ice and water phase clouds, supercooled water cloud, overlapped clouds Kansas Oklahoma Nasiri, Frey, Baum -- IR Cloud Thermodynamic Phase
One day after the eruption Volcanic Ash Plume: 11-12 and 8.5-11 μm images One day after the eruption 20 February 2001, 0845 UTC 8.5 μm data allows better depiction of the thin volcanic Ash Plume UW/CIMSS Simulated ABI (11-12 μm) Simulated ABI (8.5-11 μm)
“True color” example from MODIS of smoke, cloud and land. (MODIS Bands 1/4/3)
GOES-R will allow for improved characterization of fire dynamics GOES-R and GOES-I/M Simulations of Viejas Fire Using MODIS Data: January 3, 2001 at 1900 UTC Simulated GOES-R: 3.9 micron Simulated GOES-I/M: 3.9 micron GOES-R: 3.9 micron brightness temperatures GOES-I/M: 3.9 micron brightness temperatures GOES-R will allow for improved characterization of fire dynamics
GOES WFABBA Monitors Rapid Intensification of Wildfires 20 June 2002 16:15 UTC 18:15 UTC 21:15 UTC Rodeo Chediski Smoke Arizona QUEBEC ONTARIO 6 July 2002 11:45 UTC 17:45 UTC Quebec One of the primary advantages of using geostationary data for fire monitoring is the ability to detect and monitor rapidly growing fires. Two examples are shown in this slide. On 20 June 2002, the GOES Wildfire ABBA monitored the Chedeski and Rodeo fires in Arizona. The rapid intensification of the Rodeo/Chediski complex was one of the most extreme examples ever documented with the GOES WF_ABBA. On 6 July 2002, the GOES Wildfire ABBA monitored the rapid growth and intensification of numerous fires in Quebec. UW-Madison CIMSS is collaborating with M. Moreau (Environment Canada/Meteorological Services/Quebec Region) to evaluate the capability of the WF_ABBA for detecting and monitoring wildfires in remote regions at northerly latitudes in the province of Quebec, Canada. During the recent outbreak of wildfires in Quebec, M. Moreau indicated that the GOES WF_ABBA served as an excellent tool for monitoring fires in real-time especially in the restricted protection zone in Northern Quebec where conventional fire monitoring is limited. He indicated that the latest version of WF_ABBA has significantly fewer false alarms with good agreement with ground truth verification.
In August of 1996, GOES-9 one minute multi-spectral imagery were used to monitor variations in fire activity in the Western U.S. Time series of the observed 3.9 and 10.7 micron brightness temperatures (T4 and T11) and the average background values (TB4 and TB11) are plotted for 4 fires. Fires A and D shown more variation in the observed 3.9 micron brightness temperature indicating more unstable fires. Note that the background conditions are relatively stable for all 4 fires. GOES one minute multi-spectral imagery were used to monitor variations in fire activity. Fires A and D show more variation in the observed 3.9 micron brightness temperature indicating more unstable fires. The background conditions (lower curves) are relatively stable for all 4 fires.
Advantage of the 5-minute imagery These images show the development of an "Enhanced-V / Warm Wake” cloud top signature -- such a satellite signature often indicates that convection will soon produce severe weather (damaging winds, large hail, or tornadoes). Click on figure to start loop 5 minute (GOES-10) 15/30 minute (GOES-8) The GOES-10 (in Rapid Scan Operations mode during its Science Test period) IR had an E-V signature first evident at 20:55 UTC. The first tornado warning (based upon WSR-88D radar from Sioux Falls SD) was issued at 21:09 UTC.
Only the GOES perspective gives the needed time continuity Special ~5-minute (infrared window) imagery from GOES-11 during the IHOP field experiment: Click on figure to start loop
ABI (3.9 m) Based on GOES Imager Ch 2 useful for fog, snow, cloud, and fire detection 5 March 2001 - Nocturnal Fog/Stratus Over the Northern Plains GOES-10 4 minus 11 μm Difference ABI 4 minus 11 μm Difference Both images are shown in the GOES projection. Fog UW/CIMSS ABI image (from MODIS) shows greater detail in structure of fog.
Provides synergy with the AVHRR/3. Utility of the 0.86 m band Helps in determining vegetation amount, aerosols and for ocean/land studies. Enables localized vegetation stress monitoring, fire danger monitoring, and albedo retrieval. Provides synergy with the AVHRR/3. SCARB_0.85um
MODIS Detects Burn Scars in Louisiana 01 September 2000-- Pre-burning 17 September 2000-- Post-burning Burn Scars Scars (dark regions) caused by biomass burning in early September are evident in MODIS 250 m NIR channel 2 (0.85 μm) imagery on the 17th. MODIS Data from GSFC DAAC ABI will allow for diurnal characterizations of burn areas, this has implications for re-growth patterns. CIMSS, UW
Aviation is Weather Sensitive Thunderstorms Turbulence Aircraft Icing Volcanic Ash Head/Tail Winds Clouds/Restricted Visibility New remote sensing tools (ie, ABI and HES) will help in each of these areas
ABI (11.2 m) Based on GOES Sounder Ch 8 The many uses of the longwave infrared window: cloud images and properties, estimates of wind fields, surface properties, rainfall amounts, and hurricane and other storm location.
Satellite-derived winds Satellite-derived winds will be improved with the ABI due to: - higher spatial resolution (better edge detection) - more frequent images (offers different time intervals) - better cloud height detection (with multiple bands) - new bands may allow new wind products (1.38 m?) - better NEdT’s - better navigation/registration
ABI (13.3 m) Based on GOES Sounder Ch 5 and Imager Ch 6 useful for cloud heights and heights for winds A preliminary GOES-12 Imager Full Disk cloud-top pressure image. There’s also good correlation with GOES-8 images (not shown). The lack of the 12 um may impact finding some low clouds. Possible uses: NWP assimilation Aviation interests ASOS support cloud climatology GOES-12 Imager -- Cloud Top Pressure
ABI (bottom bars) and MSG/SEVIRI (top bars) Channels EUMETSAT recently launched a 12-band geostationary imager
Higher Resolution GOES Channels Simulated ABI (from MODIS) concentric anvil-layer waves Enhanced “V”: IR windows May 25, 2000 Enhanced “V” Actual GOES
New Turbulence Tools Aircraft turbulence is caused by up and down eddies. Higher resolution Water Vapor channels will be able to see these eddies. New high resolution sounders (GIFTS) will be able to resolve some of these eddies. High resolutions are needed both in the vertical and horizontal dimensions. Total Ozone can be derived from 9.7 m data and may be related to some turbulence
Mountain Waves in WV channel 7 April 2000, 1815 UTC Simulated ABI Actual GOES-8 Mountain waves over Colorado and New Mexico were induced by strong northwesterly flow associated with a pair of upper-tropospheric jet streaks moving across the elevated terrain of the southern and central Rocky Mountains. The mountain waves appear more well-defined over Colorado; in fact, several aircraft reported moderate to severe turbulence over that region. Both images are shown in GOES projection. UW/CIMSS
Arctic (March 20-21, 2001) Sfc Temperature NAST-I Temperature Cross Section (K) NAST-I Relative Humidity Cross Section (%) Greenwich Mean Time
Clear Turbulence? NAST Near Fairbanks AK (3/21/01; 1-2 GMT) 200 km Temp NAST Near Fairbanks AK (3/21/01; 1-2 GMT) Moisture 200 km Weak Turbulence Signatures at 150 mb Downdrafts:Warm & Dry Updrafts:Cold & Moist Temp Moisture Strong Turbulence Signatures at 300 mb Temp Moisture Moisture No Turbulence Signatures at 500 mb
GOES Sounder Ozone and Turbulence GOES Sounder Total Column Ozone (TCO) estimate image for 29 March 2002 at 0 UTC with time-colocated PIREP turbulence reports plotted on top. Such images are being made experimentally on an hourly basis at CIMSS in an effort to idenify potential clear air turbulence (CAT) case studies. The rarity of outbreaks of CAT coupled with the hit and miss nature of PIREPs necessitates the creation of this imagery database. This example is typical of the best candidates that have bene identified so far. While not a case of CAT, it is notable that several moderate to severe reports are colocated with identifiable gradients in the TCO field (in the Southwest and over the Pacific Ocean). Improvements to the GOES TCO estimate algorithm and a continuing search for good case studies may one day lead to a technique for identifying and predicting outbreaks of CAT. GOES Sounder Ozone and Turbulence
GOES Sounder Ozone and Turbulence UW/CIMSS GOES Sounder Ozone and Turbulence
Aircraft Icing Aircraft flying through super cooled liquid water droplets which stick to wings causing loss of lift and increased drag. Satellites will be able to detect super cooled liquid water at cloud tops. The 8.5 m data will allow estimates of cloud phase both day and night.
ABI Simulations (from MODIS data) Water/Ice Clouds and Snow/Lake Ice 3-color composite (Visible/1.6 μm/8.5-11 μm) February 12, 2001 16:27 UTC Vis/1.6um/8.5-11um Water cloud Ice Cloud Lake Ice Snow Super-Cooled cloud UW/CIMSS UW/CIMSS
Haze Detection MODIS (True Color) GOES GOES was 18UTC image MODIS was from 14-Aug-02 (~15Z) and via the SSEC direct broadcast. Look at the region off the coast of the upper-Atlantic states. Note that the GOES visible sensor was designed so as to minimize its ability to sense haze. (Of course 18Z is the worse time (due to view angles) for GOES to observe this.)
Abundant aerosols over Mid-Atlantic US A number of the visible bands (during the day) can be used to estimate smoke and aerosols. For example, the 2.26 um band (which does not see aerosols) is used to characterize the background. 2001/221 - 08/09 at 16 :15 UTC Abundant aerosols over Mid-Atlantic US /?2001221-0809/MidAtlantic.A2001221.1615.500m.jpg The MODIS 2.1 mm Channel - Correlation with visible reflectance for use in remote sensing of aerosol. Kaufman, Y.J., A.E. Wald, L.A. Remer, B.- C. Gao, R.- R. Li and L. Flynn, IEEE Trans. Geo, 35, 1286-1298, 1997.
Real-Time Aerosol Transport Model Assimilation of the Wildfire ABBA Fire Product Using the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) GOES-8 Wildfire ABBA fire product for the Pacific Northwest Date: August 17, 2001 Time: 2200 UTC FIRES Smoke NAAPS Model Aerosol Analysis for the continental U.S. Date: August 18, 2001 Time: 1200 UTC Over the past 2 years, D. Westphal at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Monterey, California has been assimilating half-hourly Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Wildfire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (ABBA) fire products into the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) in real time to analyze and predict aerosol extent, loading, and transport regimes. In August 2001 the NAAPS successfully documented the transport of smoke associated with wildfires burning in the western U.S. On August 18, the NAAPS analyzed a large smoke pall that extended north into Canada and south over the plains of Montana. This effort is part of a joint collaboration funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under the Earth Systems Enterprise (ESE) modeling and data analysis research program.
“Red” band simulated from AVIRIS data: 0.577_0.696_um
“Green” band simulated from AVIRIS data: 0.537_0.567 um Smoke
“Blue” band simulated from AVIRIS data: 0.439_0.498um Smoke
“Red-Green-Blue” composite band simulated from AVIRIS
“2.2” band simulated from AVIRIS data: 2.232_2.291um Fires
Summary -- ABI ABI addresses NWS Imager concerns by: increasing spatial resolution - closer to NWS goal of 0.5 km IR scanning faster - temporal sampling improved - more regions scanned adding bands - new and/or improved products enabled Simulations (from MODIS and AVIRIS) of the ABI show that the 12+ channel version addresses NWS requirements for improved cloud, moisture, and surface products. Every product that is being produced from the current GOES imager will be improved with data from the ABI! Plus, ABI will allow exciting new products from geostationary orbit.