Introduction to Year 4 Mrs. Bates and Mrs. King
TOPIC In History we are learning about the Romans in Britain. We will are planning to visit Verulamium Museum and Hypercaust and to have a Roman Day in School. (Dates to be confirmed.)
TOPIC In Geography we will be learning about Italy and volcanoes. We will be looking at maps and atlases to identify countries in Europe. We will then focus on Italy and in particular N.W. Italy. Later in the term we will be looking at how volcanoes are formed.
TOPIC In the summer term we will be learning about invaders and settlers (Anglo-Saxons and Scots). We will start with the Roman withdrawal from Britain. We will be looking at Anglo-Saxon settlements and kingdoms, village life, place names, the art, culture and Christian conversion. Organised trip to St Albans Abbey. Anglo-Saxon Day in school
Swimming We will go swimming every Thursday after break. You need to make sure you bring your swimming kit! Everybody needs to bring a cap and put it on after break, ready to go swimming!
School Stationary Ideally labelled! It is very important that your child comes to school every day, with the right equipment. They need to have: A pencil case containing: A pencil and sharpener A rubber Colouring pencils A glue stick A ruler Ideally labelled!
Everything MUST be labelled! Uniform and PE kits Everything MUST be labelled! Children must have a pair of trainers for outdoor P.E. and a dark coloured tracksuit. Hair must be tied back and earrings taped or removed for safety.
Other points Hair – to be tied back with simple uniform coloured hair bands Shoes – black and sensible. Nails – no varnish Jewellery – none. Not even crosses.
Helpers! We would love to include you in our trips and activities throughout the year. e.g. sewing purses, cooking, volcanoes Listening to Reading & Times Tables Practise If you can spare time on a weekly basis, please let us know.