2017 Junior Exams Y9 Study timetable
Junior Exam Study Timetable Weeks 3 - 6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 30/10 3 1/10 1/ 11 8:10 am Staff PD in staff room on Google Calendar 2/11 3/11 Y9/10 Students shown timetable at Junior Assembly 4 6/11 Paper Study Exam Timetables given out in form time and emailed home 7/11 Study timetable begins Senior Prize Giving 8/11 9/11 Extended form time Y10 computers 10/11 Y9 computers Newsletter 5 13/11 14/11 15/11 16/11 17/11 6 20/11 TOD 21/11 Junior Exams 22/11 (make up exams in L4) 23/11 24/11 Class teachers to help students fill in study timetable Form and class teachers to monitor and encourage student study routines and Google Calendar
The Y9 and Y10 study timetables have been put into a booklet. Y9 Ten Day Study Timetable for Trident Junior Exams Name: ____________________ Form class: _________ The time table in this booklet is to help you plan when and what you will study for your Trident Junior Exams in Week 6. Start your study preparations during Week 4 by filling in the topics that will be covered in each exam The Y9 and Y10 study timetables have been put into a booklet. Booklets will be handout out to students on Monday of Week 4 during form time. In Weeks 4 & 5 core subject teachers need to direct student about what topics should be covered for the Junior Exams (this slide). Core subject teachers should also advise what study and revision activities students can fill on the timetable (next slide). : English Mathematics Science Social Studies
Aim to fill in at least FIVE study slots for each subject (English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies). Be specific about the topic you will study, for example in Maths you could write “Practise Number”. Make a realistic plan and stick to it. Share this plan with your family so they can support you with your exam preparation. Day School After School Study #1 Study #2 School Day Tuesday 7/11 Sr Prize Giving Thursday 16/11 Regular classes Wednesday 8/11 Friday 17/11 9/11 Saturday 18/11 10/11 Sunday 19/11 Saturday 11/11 Monday 20/11 Teacher Only Day 12/11 Tuesday 21/11 Mathematics Exam 13/11 22/11 Social Studies Exam 14/11 23/11 English Exam 15/11 24/11 Science Exam Exams Complete
Y9 Study Timetable with Examples Day School Day After School Study #1 Study #2 Tuesday 7/11 Sr Prize Giving Junior Study Day English Social Studies Skills work Thursday 16/11 Regular classes Science English Wednesday 8/11 English Write a practice l Essay Electricity Friday 17/11 Practise Unseen Text 9/11 Social Studies Memorise Definitions Saturday 18/11 Maths Volume Worksheet Write a plan for an essay Cells and Life Sunday 19/11 Science Space Practise writing short essays 10/11 11/11 Maths Area Worksheet Monday 20/11 TOD Write a practice Essay 12/11 Science Algebra Worksheet 21/11 Mathematics Exam 13/11 Practice Graphing Skills 22/11 Social Studies Exam Angles 14/11 23/11 English Exam 24/11 Science Exam Exams Complete 15/11