Orientation M.Div. Counselling Major Handouts: Supplementary handbook Guidelines for written submission Professional association handbook
This presentation can be found at: http://www.tyndale.ca/seminary/counselling/downloads/documents
Faculty Advisors The Rev. Dr. Paul Scuse Dr. Sue Ellfeldt (416) 226-6620 X 6785 Room B314 pscuse@tyndale.ca On campus Wednesdays and Thursdays Dr. Sue Ellfeldt (416) 226-6620 X 6787 Room B316 sellfeldt@tyndale.ca On campus Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays (Fall Semester)
Dr. Herman Chow Theories and Methods of Family Therapy I & II
Dr. David Colpitts Gender and socio-economic perspectives in marriage and family therapy
Brenton Diaz Therapy Interventions for Trauma, Abuse and Violence
Dr. Sue Ellfeldt Family Systems Theory Preinternship Counselling Skills Lab I & II Couple Therapy: An Integrative Perspective
Dr. Marion Goertz Foundational Perspectives of Christian Counselling
Cross Cultural Perspectives in Marriage and Family Therapy Janet Kim Cross Cultural Perspectives in Marriage and Family Therapy
Dr. Jennifer Myrie Families in Transition: Divorce, Single Parenting, & Re-Marriage
Dr. Helen Noh Personality Theories Research Methods in Counselling Child and Adolescent Therapy
Sharon Ramsay Violence in Relationships
Adrianne Sequeira Current Issues in Psychopathology Therapeutic & Systemic Approaches to Addictions
Dr. Paul Scuse Foundational Perspectives of Christian Counselling Human Sexuality and the Therapeutic Relationship Professional Ethics
Kern Stanberry Preinternship Counselling Skills Lab I & II Coordinator of Internships
email Know how to access and use your mytyndale email address All emails from Tyndale faculty and administration will go to the mytyndale address http://mytyndale.ca/ For help – go to the IT webpage: http://www.tyndale.ca/it
Course Pages Place to get syllabi and handouts for your courses: http://classes.tyndale.ca
Documents for Counselling Majors http://www.tyndale.ca/seminary/counselling/downloads Counselling Major Docs
Your Program Sheet – Don’t lose it!
Download your Program sheet at: http://www.tyndale.ca/registrar/sem-major-sheets
The Centre for Academic Excellence http://www.tyndale.ca/academic-excellence
APA formatting for essays All COUN courses will require APA formatting for essays See library style guides: http://libguides.tyndale.ca/c.php?g=315368&p=2107134
Avoiding Plagiarism See library style guide: http://libguides.tyndale.ca/c.php?g=315368&p=2107316
Course Load Each course is estimated to take 10 hours per week (3 hours lecture, 7 hours reading, research and writing) Full time students – usual maximum is 4 courses per semester Part-time students – usual maximum is 2-3 courses per semester
Part-time students Be wise! Set a healthy example of self care! It is not possible to work full time and take 2-3 courses! Most of the core counselling courses are only offered during the day time There is a 10 year time limit to complete all requirements for graduation
Course Requirements 27 semester credits HOWEVER: internship has an equivalent workload to 4 semester credits (ie about 15 - 20 hours per week for a minimum of two semesters) But Internship only appears once on your transcript Effective total: 30 semester credits
Additional Requirements Time to process the material Time to interact with other students Time to explore the personal issues the courses raise Time to HAVE A LIFE (family, church etc.)
Students in the clinical track are expected to engage in individual professional counselling for their own personal growth and development. This will normally take place concurrent with the Family Systems Course
Ongoing registration in the clinical track is subject to successful annual review of the student’s progress by the counselling faculty.
Full Time Students To complete the degree in 3 years it will be necessary to “fast track” by taking courses in Intersession and Spring/Summer Always look ahead to see which courses are going to be offered in the Intersession and Spring/Summer sessions
INTERSESSION 2018 January 02 - 06 Leadership Development [core course] Spiritual Care of the Dying and Grieving
SPRING/SUMMER 2016 Core Courses: most of the Bible, History and Theology courses will be offered
SPRING/SUMMER 2016 Counselling electives (proposed, not yet confirmed): Violence in Relationships EFT
Internship Pre-requisites Co-Requisites: Time requirements: Spiritual Formation Leadership Formation Skills Lab 1 & 2 Theories & Methods of Family Therapy I & II (Clinical Track only) Co-Requisites: Professional Ethics Time requirements: 15-20 hours per week
Internship Director Kern Stanberry
Course Registration Students can register online for their courses Some courses now have a maximum enrolment cap Students may end up on a “waiting list” Sometimes the waiting list will trigger us to offer a new section of the course, but not always
Course Registration The Tyndale Calendar (from the Registrar’s section of the website) lists all of the courses and the pre-requisites for each course The Counselling Major download site has a list of courses that are offered every year and which courses are offered every-other year
Certification/Accreditation Tyndale will provide an education in counselling theory and practice, but does not offer certification by a professional organization or professional college membership
College of Registered Psychotherapists Membership All practicing psychotherapists in Ontario will need to apply for membership in the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO)
Tyndale’s Mdiv (Counselling Major – clinical track) degree has been recognized by CRPO indicating that it satisfies the educational requirements of the College of Psychotherapist Other requirements, such as supervised clinical experience and safe and effective use of self will also be necessary before one can become a member of the College
Certification/Accreditation Certification bodies include: AAMFT (The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy) CASC (The Canadian Association for Spiritual Care [formerly CAPPE]) OSP (Ontario Society of Psychotherapists) OACCPP (Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists)
Clinical Track: AAMFT & CRPO Orientation Meeting Thursday Sept 28th 10:00 – 11:00 am Room CH230 (This session will also be live-streamed)
Pastoral Care and Counselling Track: CASC Orientation Meeting Thursday October 5th 10:00 – 11:00 am Room CH230 (This session will also be live-streamed)
Leave of Absence If it becomes necessary to temporarily withdraw from the programme, tell your faculty advisors and the registrar’s office. Re-entry is not guaranteed