Rashid Suleiman, Kun Xie and Kurt Rosentrater (PhD) Phone:(515) 708 6223 Email: rashid@iastate.edu Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering PHYSICAL AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF CHIA, KAÑIWA, TRITICALE AND FARRO AS A FUNCTION OF MOISTURE CONTENT The physical and thermal properties of Chia, Kañiwa, Farro and Triticale grains were investigated at three levels of moisture content (M.C.): 10%, 15% & 20% (d.b). Linear relationship between M.C. & the 1000 seed weight, color & diffusivity were observed. On the other hand, negative correlation between M. C. & the bulk &, true density, thermal conductivity, & specific heat capacity were observed. This study shows that physical and thermal properties varies from grain to grain as a function of M.C. The physical & thermal properties are important for the design of equipment Chia is the native crop of southern Mexico & northern Guatemala Kañiwa is a pseudo-cereals native to the Andean region of South America Triticale is an artificial crop- from wheat (Triticum ) & rye (Secale), the first man made crop. Farro-refer to hulled wheat (Emmer wheat) Seed dimensions (length, width & thickness) Arithmetic & geometric mean diameter Surface area & volume Sphericity & aspect ratio The 1000 seed weight Bulk and true density Porosity Angle of repose Seed color Thermal conductivity Specific heat capacity Thermal diffusivity Seed/grain - Chia - Kañiwa - Farro - Triticale ImageJ software (version, 1.49 p) Chroma meter CR-410 (Konica Minolta Optics, JP) Thermal properties meter (KD2, Decagon Device) Where De = geometric mean dia, R=aspect ratio, ε=porosity, ϕ=Sphericity, L=length, W=width, T=thickness, S=surface area, V= volume , B = (WT)^0.5 Seed dimensions The average seed dimensions (length, width & thickness) are shown in Fig 3. The one 1000 seed weight Linear relationship between seed weight & M.C. were observed for all seeds analyzed. W1000 = 1.0833 + 0.15M (R2=0.96) for Chia The Bulk and true density The bulk density was found to decrease as M.C. increases from 10% to 20 % (d.b.) as shown on figure 5. The true density increases as M.C. increases Direct relationship between M.C. & the angle of repose was observed (Fig.7.) Color Mixed results were obtained, however linear relationship between (L, a* & b*) & M.C. % (d.b.) was observed. Thermal properties As M.C. increased the thermal conductivity also increased (Fig.8.). Kb = 0.0562 + 0.0083M ( R2 =0.99) for Farro Uneven trend was observed for thermal diffusivity The specific heat capacity of all samples increased linearly as M.C. increased from 10 % to 20 % dry basis. Cp = 2.2650+ 0.0608M (R2 = 0.99) for Triticale From the experimental data, all physical & thermal properties evaluated showed simple linear M.C dependence relationships with good correlation coefficients. Rashid Suleiman, Kun Xie and Kurt Rosentrater (PhD) ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION MATERIALS & METHODS CONLUSIONS RESULTS & DISCUSSION PARAMETERS Fig.1. Chia seeds Fig. 2. Kañiwa Fig. 4. Farro Fig. 6. Triticale Fig. 3. Seed dimensions Fig. 5. Bulk density Vs M.C. % (d.b.) Fig. 7. Angle of repose Vs M.C. % (d.b.) Fig. 8. Thermal cond. Vs M.C. % (d.b.)