Members Voices By Peter Milton Rukundo Uganda National Nutrition Policy 2016 UGAN Society Dialogue, Makerere University, Kampala Members Voices By Peter Milton Rukundo
Background Policy is vital in guiding actions of Gov’t & State Statement of intent on how to take/influence decisions principles by which Government is guided Uganda has ratified & participated in relevant International agreements on food & nutrition The 1995 Constitution pledges to assure health, food security & nutrition for all BUT the country is still ranked among the high Undernutrition burdened countries!
Key Nutrition Challenges for Policy Attention (WHO, 2013) Child undernutrition Infant and young child feeding practices Vitamins and mineral malnutrition Especially IDA, VAD & IDD Adult overweight, obesity & nutrition related NCDs Undernourishment Food insecurity and hunger
Key issues from members voices Inclusiveness Weak focus beyond childhood undernutrition Growing evidence of nutrition related NCDs! Nutrition situation analysis not well described Missing food insecurity, overnutrition, regional details In some cases some statistics are not clear Some chapters not exhaustive Importance, challenges, opportunities, legal framework, guiding principles, Evaluation Accountability, resource mob. & cross-cutting issues
Key members voices (cont.) Proposed institutional framework Nutrition desk in OPM is a weak position in policy Aspire for a desirable minimum (Dept./Division) UNAP Secretariat confusing. May be it becomes National Nutrition Coordination Secretariat (UNAP expires soon) Reporting mechanism disempowers sectors Not clear on a common results framework Budgeting Not clear on budget commitments (vote/envelope) Budget tracking and harmonisation for nutrition!
Other key observations Food as a human right in relation to Uganda commitments to human rights agreements Link to other SDGs beyond #2 No sector specific roles and responsibilities Some spelling & grammar errors Bringing forward the glossary Nutrition professional development & research!