Morton East High School Library Marketing Plan By Callie Mendoza and Noelle Swanson
Community Cicero, Illinois Demographics Population: 81,823 77.4% Hispanic or Latino 74.4% speak another language other than English at home 48.2% of people over 25 are HS graduates 43.4% are foreign born 6.1% of people over 25 have bachelor degree or higher $38,044 household income $46,590 Illinois average household income
Morton East High School Enrollment: 3,797 92.9% Hispanic population 68% students from low income families Graduation rate Male: 55.8% Female: 84.4% Truant rate: 5.9% (state average 3.1%)
Budget Book budget and supplies $8,000 Activity Fund $1,500 Databases $10,000
Mission Statement The Morton East High School Library provides a welcoming environment for students, teachers, staff, and community and offers relevant up- to-date technology and information.
Vision Statement The Morton East High School Library aspires to be a gathering place for the school community and the first choice for students and staff seeking information.
Position Statement Currently, our library has a strong collection but it has not been utilized by the student body. We have seen poor attendance and low circulation. There is a lack of information literacy among the student body. They do not seek out the library for school projects and research.
Image The Morton East High School Library is a welcoming and safe environment for the school community with a genuine interest in the welfare of its students and staff. The librarians are well- informed and eager to assist their patrons.
Action Goals Increase circulation and attendance Increase computer use and databases Increase information literacy Improve the overall academic success of students Increase library awareness and advocacy
SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Unresponsive students Centralized location Established collection in English and Spanish Strong budget Motivated staff Defined action goals Unresponsive students Disconnect between library staff and students Low usage and circulation Students are uninformed and misinformed
SWOT Threats Opportunities Drop outs and truancies Low graduation rate Poor test scores Cultural disconnect between community and school Influencing freshmen and new students Partnerships with teachers and classes Collaborate with local businesses and schools Social media Involvement in school activities
Six P’s Product: Readers advisory, homework help/tutoring, technology and media, curriculum help, career planning Place: One large, open-spaced room with comfortable chairs, tables for group work, 20 desk top computers, and 20 laptop computers, a printer and copier School day hours: 8:30-3:15 Library operations: 8:00-5:30
Six P’s Price: Free other than student fees Promotion: Book displays, class visits, social media, web page, job fair, survey, school involvement, ‘Information Literacy for Incoming Freshmen’ class Production: Collaborating with faculty on curriculum and lesson plan advice, establish social media presence, establish partnerships with local businesses and community colleges, create survey and pass out during homeroom Publics: Students, teachers, parents, administration, and staff
Job Fair Bi-annual event hosted in library during school hours Local businesses Trade schools/community colleges Offer tutoring for students working part- time Offer resources regarding part-time employment GED resources
Information Literacy Course Mandatory for incoming freshmen, accredited class Held in library with classroom resources Divided into two parts, class/study hall Introduction to research skills, library resources, computer skills, evaluating resources
Suggested Survey Questions How often you use our school library? What is your year in school? If you use the school library for class, which one(s)? What do you feel is most important to have in your library? Why do you visit the school library? Is there anything you would change about our library?
Advocacy READ posters starring school faculty Book and hallway displays Class visits Encouraging classes to visit the library Librarians visiting the classroom Newsletter, social media, web page Present at school events Participating in Homecoming events (Spirit Week)