Facilities Committee 5-12-08 Parmly Billings Library Facilities Committee 5-12-08
Montana Libraries: Square Feet per Capita Parmly Billings 0.46 Missoula 0.47 Flathead County 0.61 Lewis & Clark County 0.78 Great Falls 0.78 Butte-Silver Bow 0.87 Bozeman 1.09
Per Capita Square Footage Needed to Match State Ratios Square Feet 57,160 88,832 134,672
Montana Libraries: Per Capita Holdings Service Population Items Items per Capita Parmly Billings 123,097 237,231 1.93 Great Falls 77,128 156,070 2.02 Butte-Silver Bow 34,606 80,958 2.34 Lewis & Clark County 55,716 138,954 2.49 Flathead County 74,471 191,431 2.57 Bozeman 47,805 134,963 2.82 Missoula 95,802 270,877 2.83
Holdings Needed to Match State Ratios
Montana Libraries: Workstations per 10,000 Population Service Population Workstations Workstations per 10000 Parmly Billings 123,097 20 1.62 Great Falls 77,128 21 2.72 Butte-Silver Bow 34,606 10 2.89 Lewis & Clark County 55,716 29 5.20 Missoula 95,802 56 5.85 Bozeman 47,805 40 8.37 Flathead County 74,471 69 9.27
Workstations Needed to Match State Ratios
Montana Libraries: Seating per 1000 Population Service Population Seating Seats per 1000 Parmly Billings 123,097 161 1.31 Missoula 95,802 161 1.68 Great Falls 77,128 163 2.11 Butte-Silver Bow 34,606 80 2.31 Flathead County 74,471 274 3.68 Bozeman 47,805 189 3.95 Lewis & Clark County 55,716 300 5.38
Seating Required to Match State Ratios
National Peer Libraries: Branches per 100,000 Population
Branches per 100,000 Population Required to Match National Ratios Current Average Best Branches per 100,000 pop 0 3.34 7.46
National Peer Libraries: Square Footage per Capita Libraries Total Library Square Footage Square Footage per Capita Saginaw 37,375 0.28 Robeson County 36,068 0.29 Sterling Heights 38,710 0.31 Rapides Parish 46,617 0.37 Ector County 47,398 0.38 Mesa County 49,545 0.38 Citrus County 52,349 0.39 Southwest 54,248 0.43 Randolph County 58,748 0.44 Parmly Billings 57,160 0.44 Pamunkey 59,600 0.44 Fullerton 66,000 0.49 Rowan 77,500 0.57 Indian River County 80,340 0.64 Rochester 85,470 0.66 Medina County 96,161 0.71 Sara Hightower 95,820 0.74 Thousand Oaks 101,000 0.79 Flint 100,638 0.81 Marathon County 106,507 0.85 Alexandria 116,274 0.87 Porter County 127,430 0.99 Hartford 161,165 1.29 Schaumburg 185,751 1.43
Square Footage Required to Match National Ratios
National Peer Libraries: Holdings per Capita Libraries # of Holdings Items per Capita Robeson County 162,279 1.31 Citrus County 196,346 1.46 Rowan 224,743 1.66 Randolph County 224,537 1.66 Sterling Heights 212,984 1.71 Parmly Billings 237,231 1.82 Mesa County 244,376 1.88 Rapides Parish 315,359 2.49 Fullerton 351,000 2.59 Ector County 345,891 2.76 Marathon County 355,297 2.82 Alexandria 401,429 2.99 Southwest 376,412 3.00 Pamunkey 417,066 3.11 Rochester 418,281 3.24 Thousand Oaks 416,343 3.26 Saginaw 435,328 3.30 Sara Hightower 440,417 3.40 Indian River County 443,277 3.55 Hartford 443,918 3.56 Flint 455,661 3.65 Medina County 544,044 4.00 Porter County 561,279 4.36 Schaumburg 627,298 4.83
Holdings Required to Match National Ratios
National Peer Libraries: Workstations per 10,000 Population Libraries # of Public Internet Workstations Workstations per 10,000 Parmly Billings 20 1.53 Ector County 25 1.99 Fullerton 37 2.73 Robeson County 35 2.82 Thousand Oaks 40 3.13 Sterling Heights 40 3.21 Randolph County 49 3.63 Mesa County 50 3.85 Southwest 64 5.10 Rowan 71 5.26 Rochester 76 5.88 Citrus County 82 6.10 Marathon County 77 6.11 Flint 87 6.96 Rapides Parish 93 7.34 Indian River County 92 7.36 Porter County 102 7.93 Medina County 112 8.23 Pamunkey 144 10.74 Saginaw 142 10.75 Alexandria 156 11.62 Sara Hightower 151 11.64 Schaumburg 221 17.02 Hartford 217 17.38
Workstations Needed to Match National Ratios
Library Service Area From Candi Beaudry
Library Service Area includes the hypothetical Heights location