Who’s Who – a discussion about Dependency How to determine a student’s dependency status in an age of mixed families, unmarried couples, and other unconventional living arrangements BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA FALL 2017 CONFERENCE
The BASICS Student Age Marital Status Graduate/Undergraduate Dependent Children Other Dependents Active Military Duty Veteran Status Since age 13: Parents deceased, Foster Care, Ward of Court Emancipated Minor Legal Guardian Homeless BUILDING ON OUR MOMENTUM! WVASFAA FALL 2017 CONFERENCE
…..Cindy Cindy is 18, graduated from High School in May 2017. Her 18 month old child lives at home with her and her parents. She works part-time at a grocery store. 1. Is this enough information to consider her as an independent student? 2. What other information might be needed? 3. What documents might you need, or might she need, to establish her dependency status?
…..Grey Grey is a 22 year old who lives with his 20 year old girlfriend, Michelle, and their baby. Grey has been in and out of work lately, and earned $7980 during the base income year – right now he is unemployed. Michelle has a full time job, and has a medical card and WIC for the baby. On the FAFSA, Grey checked the boxes for having a dependent child and for having a dependent other than a child, and reports a household size of 3. He was not required to file taxes in the base year, and did not do so. 1. Is Grey really an independent student? 2. What would Grey need to substantiate his claim of independent status? 3. How might this change if he and Michelle got married AFTER his status was questioned?
…..Sara Sara, 23, lives with her boyfriend, Ben, and their 3 year old child. Sara is a full time stay at home mom. Ben has a well-paying job, and has claimed both Sara and the child on his taxes for the past 3 years. 1. Is Sara an independent student? 2. Sara’s folks moved to Texas 3 years ago – would that impact her eligibility for residency-based state aid, or her dependency status in any way?
…..Tommy Tommy, age 23, is recently divorced. There are no children. He has worked, and has not lived at home with his folks since he was 18. He completed his FAFSA without parental data or signatures, and wonders why he cannot get a processed ISIR with an EFC determination. 1. What must Tommy do to obtain a fully processed ISIR? 2. What are the F.A. Office options for this situation?
….. Shari Shari is 21, and was incarcerated for the past year. Prior to her incarceration, she had a child who now lives with its grandparents, who are the child’s legal guardians. Shari reports on her FAFSA that she has a dependent child and pays $50/month child support. 1. Does Shari have a dependent? 2. Whose income should be reported on her FAFSA?
….. Bill Bill filed his FAFSA and indicated that he has no income or benefits and that he has a legal guardian. He just graduated from high school. His parents relocated to Tennessee 2 years ago, and had drawn up guardianship papers for Bill’s Aunt Denise so Bill could stay with her and finish high school. 1. Is Bill really an independent student? 2. What documents must he provide to determine his status? 3. What or whose income should be reported on his FAFSA?
…. Colton Colton’s parents were killed in a car accident when he was 2. His grandparents received custody of him at that point, and legally adopted him when he was 4. Since the age of 16, Colton has bounced around, staying with friends, because his adoptive parents were “too strict”. Colton checked off the FAFSA boxes for being an orphan and for being homeless. 1. Does Colton meet the FAFSA definition of “orphan”? 2. Is Colton homeless? 3. How should his FAFSA be completed?
….. Penny Penny is a 20 year old who was kicked out of her house by her step-father last year when she informed her mom and him that she is gay. The police were called to the home and a domestic violence report was issued. She has been staying with relatives since then, and has a “no- contact” order from the court against her mother and step-father. 1. What is Penny’s dependency status? 2. Would a Dependency Over-ride be in order?
WHEN to question Dependency Status THINGS TO LOOK FOR: 1. ZERO income, NO benefits 2. Marital status SINGLE with dependent children and other dependents that are not children/spouse (persons claimed as a dependent for tax purposes may or may not be dependents for FAFSA purposes) 3. Legal Guardian/Ward of Court/Homeless (Temporary Guardianship papers do NOT meet the Legal Guardian definition) (The mere act of leaving the family residence and staying with friends does NOT make a student homeless)