Monday 10/9/17 New Seats Today!!! I will tell you where you sit so don’t get to comfortable in your spot! Fill out your assignment notebook for the week. No Notebook Entry…BUT YOU STILL NEED YOUR NOTEBOOK!
Build a Boat C.E.R. Evidence: Find data that supports your claim. Use your boat records or solution brief presentation notes. Describe the data (observations and measurements). Example. The Pacific boat floated all 4 hex nuts for 20 seconds and it had a base that was 5 cm wide. This boat also had walls that were at least 3.5 cm tall.
Build a Boat C.E.R. Reasoning: Find the scientific knowledge that ties your claim and evidence together. Use your Science of Boat Design Notes. You should include an explanation of both density and buoyant force in your reasoning. When you finish turn in all 3 pages together (Boat Records, Solution Briefing Notes & C.E.R.)
Tuesday 10/10/17 Notebook Entry: What do you think all these objects have in common?
Part 1: Is the Plaque Made of Particles? Find your observation chart from yesterday. In your group discuss evidence you observed that could show how things that appear solid can actually be made of tiny particles and empty space.
Wednesday 10/11/17 Notebook Entry: What do you think happens to the particles that makeup water when water is boiled? Water molecule
Part 2: Will Heat Expand Things? Record the heading for part 2 in your spiral. Make this table under the heading. Each row of the table only needs to be one line on your page. Conditions Length of Red Line (cm) Room Temperature Heated in Hands Cooled to room temperature
Part 2: Will Heat Expand Things? Procedure for Investigation Be very careful to not put your hand around the red bulb. Measure the length of the red line in the thermometer using the protractor. Measure only the line length, do not include the bulb. Record your results for room temperature data. Have one person hold the thermometer bulb in their hands or between their fingers to raise the temperature. Wait a few moments and then quickly measure the length of the red line. Record the results for held in hands data. Set the thermometer on the table and watch the red line. After a few minutes record the length of the line and record for cooled to room temperature data.
Part 2: Will Heat Expand Things? Discuss in your group what caused any changes in the length of the liquid from room temperature to heated in hands. Discuss in your group what caused any changes in length of the liquid from heated in hands back to room temperature.
Friday 10/13/17 Notebook Entry: Explain what is happening to the air particles inside each balloon. Notice the air temperature of each balloon.
Part 3: Why would it break out? Watch the demonstration of a bimetallic strip. Record 2 observations from the demonstration. What happens to the strip when it’s heated? What happens to the strip when it’s cooled?
Monday 10/16/17 Fill out your assignment notebook for the week. Notebook Entry: Why happens to the air particles in a hot air balloon when the flame is turned on? Draw a picture of the balloon and the particles inside to show your answer.
Build a Boat Corrections 3 Scores – 3 Rubrics Boat Records Reflect Questions – a lot of you did not do these or skipped the first question. Boat Claim, Evidence & Reasoning. You may do corrections – due by Wednesday Do the corrections on a separate piece of paper and staple it to your papers. Be sure to label clearly what part you are correcting. If you did not do the reflect questions then you can just do them on the original page.
Particles in Motion Quiz Tuesday You will be given a scenario and have to explain how and why particle motion is affecting the objects. Two questions- you have to explain in a drawing and in a paragraph how heat causes something to expand. Study the answers in your spiral and a practice problem can be worked on later in class if you have free time. Learning Targets I can correctly use the following terms: particle, heat, expand, contract, material. I can describe the changes in particle motion when heat is added or removed. Katie Burke 5 minutes
Tuesday 10/17/17 Notebook Entry: Why do you think some classes (math, science, English,) have a textbook?
Once you get your new Science textbook please put your: First and Last Name Period number On the Front and the Spine of the book with a Sharpie
What to do after the Particles Quiz? Turn in your quiz & put the folder in the pile on the table. Work on Build a Boat Corrections if you still need to do them– turn into the revised basket once you are done. Textbook Scavenger - Carefully read and follow the directions on the textbook scavenger. Answers go on a piece of notebook paper. This due tomorrow!