The 1920’s Culture
JAZZ Who were the first Jazz Musicians? Where was Jazz born? African Americans Where was Jazz born? New Orleans When did Jazz appear nationwide? The early 1920s Why did Jazz spread past New Orleans? Violence and racism resurfaced in New Orleans and Jazz musicians fled to cities like Chicago, New York, and Kansas City
JAZZ "The true spirit of jazz is a joyous revolt from convention, custom, authority, boredom, even sorrow--from everything that would confine the soul of man and hinder its riding free on the air." ~ J.A. Rogers, "Jazz at Home," The Survey Graphic, 1925
1920s Jazz Musicians Bix Beiderbecke Duke Ellington
Listen to Duke Ellington Radio Station
1920s Jazz Musicians Jelly Roll Morton Earl Hines
1920s Jazz Musicians Kid Ory Louis Armstrong
1920s Jazz Musicians Paul Whiteman Joe “King” Oliver
The Charleston The Social dance - popular in the mid-1920s. Thought to have come from Cape Verdes Isles in Africa
1920s Fashion
1920s Fashion
1920s Fashion – The Men Stemmed from sports or gangsters Wanted to appear “dapper.” Baggy pants, polished shoes, and a handkerchief in the pocket The baggy zoot suit worn for fancy occasions
Flappers F. Scott Fitzgerald said "lovely, expensive, and about nineteen.“ Rebelling from societal norms Short Sleek hair, short shapeless dresses, lots of makeup Frequenters of nightclubs
1920s Fashion – The Flapper
Flappers The Playful flapper here we see, The fairest of the fair. She's not what Grandma used to be, -- You might say, au contraire. Her girlish ways may make a stir, Her manners cause a scene, But there is no more harm in her Than in a submarine. She nightly knocks for many a goal The usual dancing men. Her speed is great, but her control Is something else again. All spotlights focus on her pranks. All tongues her prowess herald. For which she well may render thanks To God and Scott Fitzgerald. Her golden rule is plain enough - Just get them young and treat them rough.
Prohibition 18th Amendment outlawed the transporting, selling, manufacturing of Alcohol. Widely ignored Lead to Organize Crime
The 1920s Night Club “Speakeasies” Offered an intense experience Entertainment tended toward adult fare “Alcohol" was central to the experience. The Night Clubs also had their dark side.
Two Cultural Movements The Harlem Renaissance - Rebirth of African-American culture - Literature, art, music, dance - Took place primarily in Harlem Factors in the development of the Harlem Renaissance were: African-American urban migration Trends toward experimentation throughout the country The rise of radical African-American intellectuals. Never before had so many Americans embraced the African-American culture.
The Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance Dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. by Langston Hughes
Two Cultural Movements The Lost Generation Rejection of American Materialism Looking for the Meaning of Life, after quick change from war. Intellectuals, poets, artists and writers
The Lost Generation "The Hollow Men" We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw Our dried voices, when We whisper together Are quiet and meaningless As wind in dry grass Or rat's feet over broken glass In our dry cellar by T.S. Eliot
Motion Pictures New Pastime: THE MOVIES! Silent movies became "talkies" when sound was finally added. Charlie Chaplin most famous silent actor
Motion Pictures The best movies of the decade were "Treasure Island" and "Ben Hur” and “The Jazz Singer.”
Baseball The New American Pastime Radio Broadcasts, Stadiums, and Sports Sections in Newspapers Celebrities like Babe Ruth A Spectator Sport for the Working Class: Myth vs. Reality
Slang Words All wet Applesauce describes a wrong idea or person He's all wet. All wet what you say when you are angry "Oh, applesauce!" Applesauce
Slang Words The Big Cheese The Cat’s Meow Cheaters Jake the most important person the boss The Big Cheese something splendid or wonderful the best The Cat’s Meow Cheaters eyeglasses OK Everything is Jake. Jake
Slang Words Dogs Giggle Water Heebie Jeebies Jalopy Moll Feet Alcohol A Scary Nervous Feeling Jalopy An Old Car Moll A Gangster’s Girlfriend
Slang Words Pushover Scram Swell Upchuck Whoopie Someone easily convinced Scram Alcohol Swell Wonderful Upchuck Vomit Whoopie Have a good Time
Would you want to live in the 1920s? Why or Why not? Journal Prompt Is the 1920s for you? Would you want to live in the 1920s? Why or Why not?