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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to our class!

2 1 Daily talk 3 4

More places to visit

Warming up: 1. If you had enough money to take a trip overseas, where would you like to go?

Effiel Tower The White House Angkor Wat Leaning Tower of Pisa London Tower Bridge Sydney Opera House Golden Gate Bridge Angkor Wat Great Pyramids of Giza Colosseum

Question: 2. Where can you get the information of the place that you want to go?

Brainstorm: What kinds of information are needed to know before you go to a place?

More places to visit Shanghai

Angkor Wat

1、What can people see about Angkor Wat now? Questions Read first part, try to find: 1、What can people see about Angkor Wat now? 2、 What did Angkor Wat use to be? 3、 What happened to Angkor Wat in history? (abandon----forget--discover again)

Capital of the Khmer people Place of interest Angkor Wat Where is it? What was it in the past? How can we visit it? Cambodia Capital of the Khmer people By air

Colosseum Think about: 1、Colosseum is a popular place for _______. A. fights and races B. display 2、Imagine: How large was the Colosseum? It could hold___________.

Can we see the whole body of Colosseum today?

What was it used for in the past What can we see now? Rome, Italy Place of interest The Colosseum Where is it? When was it built? How big is it? What was it used for in the past What can we see now? Rome, Italy AD 72 Can hold more than 50,000 people Popular place for races and fights ruins

The Riddle of the Sphinx What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?

The Riddle of the Sphinx In Greek mythology, the Sphinx sat outside of Thebes and asked all travelers who passed by this riddle. If the traveler failed to solve the riddle, then the Sphinx killed him/her. And if the traveler answered the riddle correctly, then the Sphinx would destroy herself. Oedipus solved the riddle, and the Sphinx destroyed herself.

The answer: A man, who crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two legs as an adult, and walks with a cane in old age.

Of course morning, noon, and night are metaphors for the times in a man's (person's) life. Such metaphors are common in riddles. There were two Thebes, apparently this Thebes was the one in Greece. And this Sphinx was apparently not the one at Giza, in Egypt.

Details about Great Pyramids of Giza Place of interest The Great Pyramids of Giza Where are they ? When were they built? What were they used for in the past? How big are they? Egypt around 4,500 years ago tombs for kings Each side of the base is 230 meters long

Situation—tourist and guide Pair-work Situation—tourist and guide Suppose you are a guide in Egypt, and you will meet your friend from China today. You need to introduce the Great Pyramids.

Match the underlined words to their meanings on the right 1.The remains of Angor Wat with its temples are the pride of Combodia. 2.After the Khmer Kingdom was destroyed in 1431, 3. the city was abandoned. 4.You can now easily access Angkor Wat by air. 5.After the fall of the Rome Empire, the Colosseum fell into ruin. 6.The Great Pyramids of Giza overlook the Nile River in Egypt. a. to damage something so that it can no longer be used b. to leave a place and never return c. to stand above and near something else d. the parts left over after something has been destroyed. to enter or reach to become badly damaged through time a b e f c

was built, AD72 hold more than 50,000people races and fights fell into ruin sit and imagine Colosseum remains pride /Cambodia capital /Khmer destroy / abandon discover again/1858 by air Angkor Wat overlook the Nile River built around 4500 years ago tombs for kings Khufu, the largest 2.3million 230meters long damaged wonder Great Pyramids

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Homework Finish the exercise on P43-44 B1-B3
