Iwan Holleman (KNMI) Hans van Gasteren (RNLAF,UvA) Willem Bouten (UvA) Validation of Bird Movement Signatures in Weather Radar Wind Profiles using a Dedicated Bird Radar Iwan Holleman (KNMI) Hans van Gasteren (RNLAF,UvA) Willem Bouten (UvA) Migrating Lapwings
VAD/VVP Wind Vector Retrieval
Bird Migration in De Bilt Std.Dev. < 2 m/s Std.Dev. > 2 m/s Height 0-6 km 12 UTC 16-03-2004 – 12 UTC 18-03-2004
High quality wind profiles WRWP WRWP Std.Dev. < 2 m/s Hirlam NWP WRWP and radiosonde High quality wind profiles RDS RDS
Flycatcher Bird Radar 2.4 deg X-band 160 kW 0.2 s
RHI from Flycatcher Bird Radar Weather 80 km Small bird Height Big bird March – May 2003 Range from radar
Bird Detection Criteria Standard Deviation > 2.0 m/s Radar Reflectivity < –5 dBZ “Wind” Speed > 6 m/s FC=86.8, POD=85.2, FAR=38.1, Bias=1.38 Threshold 1 bird/km3, per hour per 200 meter
Speed and Direction Direction bins of 15 deg Speed bias of –3.5 m/s Bias corrected Speed bins of 3 m/s
Assessment of Bird Density Bird radar Assessment of Bird Density WRWP TBD = 0.29 + 0.09 VIR Bird Density
Conclusion and Outlook Bird movement can be extracted from WRWP Collocated, dedicated comparison needed Application on European network? OPERA: 150 radars 100 Doppler 3 Dual-pol