Collaborative Decision Making “Formulating CDM Strategies” Module 7 “Formulating CDM Strategies”
CDM Structure Air Transport Association (ATA) sponsors and provides Industry input to the FAA CDM Stakeholder Group (CSG) provides leadership and direction for the CDM process CDM is currently hosted by the Air Transport Association (ATA) which acts as an “umbrella” agency to allow for Industry CDM input to the FAA. Participants agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the antitrust laws of the United States. Leadership and direction for the CDM process is provided by the CDM Stakeholders Group (CSG). The participants of the CSG are the Air Transport Association (ATA), National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), Regional Airline Association (RAA), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The purpose of the CSG is (1) to oversee the general direction and mission of the working sub-groups, (2) to provide the FAA with input on prioritization and tasking for possible technologies, communication tools etc., that will increase the efficiency of the NAS, and (3) to provide industry recommendations to the FAA on overall CDM priorities and activities. Leadership within CDM is shared by the FAA and Industry. The FAA Lead for CDM is appointed by the FAA and the POC for Industry is appointed by ATA Air Traffic Control (ATC) Council with concurrence of the CSG industry members. The FAA and Industry Leads will provide an annual review of activities to the CSG each January. CDM Stakeholder Group (CSG) – Participants: ATA, NBAA, RAA, FAA – Purpose: provide recommendations to the FAA on CDM priorities and activities
FAA Lead and Industry Lead CDM Structure FAA Lead and Industry Lead Provide leadership Provide recommendations Establish and oversee work groups FAA Lead/ Industry Lead – Provide leadership for overall CDM activities and meetings – Provide recommendations on: requirements, design, development and implementation – Establish and oversee work groups as needed
CDM Structure Work Groups/Sub-Teams Directed by FAA and Industry Leads Provide recommendations for technology, communication tools, etc. Work Groups/Sub-Teams – Report to and receive tasking from FAA and Industry Leads – Established to complete specific assigned tasking – Provide recommendations for technology, communication tools, etc. – Participants are determined by FAA and Industry Leads based on tasking objectives – Recommendations are advisory only CDM Sub-teams will be established at the direction of the CSG when it is determined that a certain knowledge base or skill set is required to accomplish further research and/or development of traffic management tools/concepts. Sub-teams receive specific tasking and provide input/recommendations on concept requirements and implementation. Each sub-team will have a charter, typically in the form of a tasking paper, which governs the scope of their activities with established milestones and timelines. Sub-teams will be disbanded at the completion of their tasking or when otherwise determined by the CSG. Flow Evaluation Team (FET) Future Concept Team (FCT) Weather Evaluation Team (WET) Ground Delay Program Enhancement (GDPE) Surface CDM Team (SCT) CDM Training Team (CTT)
CDM Strategy Sessions Allow airlines and ATC the opportunity to exchange dialogue concerning the ATFM challenges faced on both sides. Create energizing opportunities to improve collaboration between the two factions. Energize the debate on how best to improve the performance of the NAS through: Positive ATC & Customer interaction and problem solving Consistent use of best practices Maximizing the use of capabilities that exist in current automation tools Development of new approaches or procedures that can be implemented within a short period of time
CDM Structure CDM Stakeholder Group (CSG) ATA RAA FAA NBAA Plan ATA RAA FAA NBAA Industry Lead FAA Lead The CDM Stakeholders Group Leadership and direction for the CDM process is provided by the CDM Stakeholders Group (CSG). The participants of the CSG are the Air Transport Association (ATA), National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), Regional Airline Association (RAA), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The purpose of the CSG is (1) to oversee the general direction and mission of the working sub-groups, (2) to provide the FAA with input on prioritization and tasking for possible technologies, communication tools etc., that will increase the efficiency of the NAS, and (3) to provide industry recommendations to the FAA on overall CDM priorities and activities. Leadership within CDM is shared by the FAA and Industry. The FAA Lead for CDM is appointed by the FAA and the POC for Industry is appointed by ATA Air Traffic Control (ATC) Council with concurrence of the CSG industry members. The FAA and Industry Leads will provide an annual review of activities to the CSG each January. CDM Sub-Teams CDM Sub-teams will be established at the direction of the CSG when it is determined that a certain knowledge base or skill set is required to accomplish further research and/or development of traffic management tools/concepts. Sub-teams receive specific tasking and provide input/recommendations on concept requirements and implementation. Each sub-team will have a charter, typically in the form of a tasking paper, which governs the scope of their activities with established milestones and timelines. Sub-teams will be disbanded at the completion of their tasking or when otherwise determined by the CSG. Each month, every existing CDM sub-team is required to submit a monthly update to the CSG. In addition to the CSG Update, CDM sub-teams must develop a timeline associated with each of their respective tasks or projects. These timelines are to be updated after every sub-team meeting and provided as an attachment to the CSG Update. Sub-Teams Sub-Teams Sub-Teams Sub-Teams Sub-Teams
CDM Sub-Teams Weather Evaluation Team (WET) Flow Evaluation Team (FET) Future Concept Team (FCT) Ground Delay Program Surface CDM Team Develop New Planning Concepts Routes TFM Programs Develop Tools Surface Data Future NextGen Concepts Weather Data Sharing Improve Products Future Product Research Improve FSM Unified GDP’s TFM Advisory Program Integration Surface CDM Model Adopt Applicable A-CDM Concepts Give examples of possible work groups depending upon current needs and capabilities.
CDM Feedback Loops Customer Meetings Quality Assurance Telcons Annual Severe Weather Review Operational Customer meetings held bi-annually; Next session September 23-24, 2009 USAir Headquarters, Phoenix, AZ Format; Breakout Sessions, Panel Discussions
CDM MOU (Membership) Benefits A clear step toward greater collaboration and information exchange Access to the CDM “network” of participants (Sub Teams) Access to ATM tools used by Traffic Managers to make real-time traffic management decisions: CDM membership is limited to qualified aviation related entities that meet the data-sharing criteria. All CDM participants are required to sign the most current version of the CDM Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). CDM Members who sign a MOA but fail to exchange meaningful data with the FAA will have their membership revoked. A clear step toward greater collaboration and information exchange Access to the CDM “network” of participants (Sub Teams) Access to ATM tools used by Traffic Managers to make real-time traffic management decisions: Flight Schedule Monitor (FSM) Flight Schedule Analyzer (FSA) Operational Post Evaluation Tools (IRIS) Route Management Tool (RMT and ROG) Common Constraint Situation Display (CCSD) Collaborative Convective Forecast Product (CCFP) Access to the Diversion Recovery Tool Access to the TCA Webpage
CDM Membership Requirements Must sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Must be able to provide flight plan data Must pass a data quality check All flight plan data is unfiltered and available for all to members to see
Collaborative Decision Making