Accelerator Reliability Information System Johannes Gutleber CERN, ATS Directorate Office 16th Oct, 2017/Workshop A. Apollonio, J. Gutleber, A. Niemi (CERN) A. Preinerstorfer, H. Humer, T. Gruber, P. Böhm (Austrian Institute of Technology) K. Höppner (Heidelberg Ion Therapy Facility HIT) Jussi-Pekka Penttinen (Ramentor & TU Tampere)
ARIES H2020 Project Overview Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society Aims Develop European particle accelerator infrastructures Improve performance, availability for sustainability of particle accelerators Transfer technologies to societal applications Strengthen the European accelerator community Key figures May 2017 – 30 April 2021 (4 years) 24.9 M€ (10 M€ EC contribution) 44 beneficiaries from 18 countries Coordinated by CERN ARIES-1710131100-JGU
Reliability & Availability of Particle Accelerators Compile and assess RAM standards, methods and practises (D6.2, M36) Compile RAM characteristics for particle accelerator systems (D6.2, M36) Spread the identified best RAM practices in order to introduce a common RAM baseline (training sessions for ARIES participants in scope of FCC study) Assess the feasibility of an Open Data Infrastructure for accelerator reliability (MS6.7, M44) ARIES-1710131100-JGU ARIES-1710131100-JGU
Modelling & Simulation Environment Activity since 01/2015 ARIES-1710131100-JGU
Open Reliability Information System - WHY To assess RAMS characteristics of a “complex technical system” and to plan performance/cost improvements, we rely on quality data about systems and subsystems From experience the biggest challenge Today (to my best knowledge) no single source of credible information exists for design teams ”Discovered by industry” decades ago EuReDatA 1973 covering all industrial installations EDF EIREDA 1997 European industry Nuclear - ISO 6527 1984 Oil & Gas – ISO14224 Offshore/Onshore – OREDA 1981 SPARTA – 2014 (windparks) ARIES-1710131100-JGU
High Level Architecture of Information System Fault tracking, logbooks, observations, estimates Historical records, asset management Information System Handbooks, Data collection initatives Prob. Distribution ( item characteristics, quality constraints, conditions ) Simulation of entire accelerator complex and Impacts of different operation scenarios Model driven Design and improvement ARIES-1710131100-JGU
WHAT is Stored Structures of accelerator installations (system, subsystem, equipment) as data become available and as needed for use cases Element information (classes, physical operation principle) Reliability information (MTTF, MTTR) at all levels in statistical form on a best-effort basis Links to historic information and operation conditions ARIES-1710131100-JGU
Additional Functions Role based access Data anonymization An extensible membership concept to permit ingesting and providing information using different levels of granularity A workflow to validate the source and quality of the information An extensible scheme to query data (e.g. by matching characteristics ranges, by element, by system, according to quality criteria) Support for different output formats ARIES-1710131100-JGU
HOW - A Concrete Activity Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) develops architecture, specification and pilot database implementation work + API, minimal user interface Heidelberg Ion Therapy facility (HIT) 2 operating machines (Heidelberg, Marburg) fills in exemplary information and validates concept CERN reviews the approach contributes with existing data from a system verify is usable, e.g. using current HL-LHC modelling activity IMPORTANT: Engage the community Hadron therapy facilities Light sources, FELs Non-accelerator research infrastructures ARIES-1710131100-JGU
Timeline Best-practice and literature review (until December 17) Collection of use cases (until February 18) Architecture (until April 18) Requirements collection (Oct 17 – Dec 18) Role concept (by Dec 18) Data quality concept (by Dec 18) RAM characteristics (what to store for different elements, calculation methods up to subsystem level) (by Sep 18) API to retrieve statistical information (by Sep 19) Proof of concept DB and core by (Jan 2020) ARIES-1710131100-JGU
This activity needs the involvement of the community. We Need Your Input! This activity needs the involvement of the community. We appreciate any form of constructive suggestions, information, and ideas for true collaboration. A regular information exchange on the concepts and architecture would be beneficial. ARIES-1710131100-JGU