Greek Art and Archaeology Lecture 5: Minoan Crete and Santorini
Kamares and Barbotine wares (Old Palace); Minoan Crete
Rock crystal rhyton decorated with gold and faience and stone pyxis from Zakros (Biers 58); stone jug from Mochlos (EM); Gold Bee Pendant from Chrysolakkos, Malia (MM)
Prepalatial EM I to MMIA 3500-1900 Old Palace MMIB to MMII/IIIA Chronology of Minoan Crete Prepalatial EM I to MMIA 3500-1900 Old Palace MMIB to MMII/IIIA 1900-1700 New Palace MMIII to LMIIIA1 1700-1350 Postpalatial LMIIIA2 to Sub-Minoan 1350-950
EM phases at Fournou Koriphi, Myrtos Vasiliki
Old Palace plans; Knossos reconstruction; Phaistos plan; House model from Arkhanes (New Palace) (Biers, 57)
Phaistos, W court from North
Recreation of Stoa 7 of the palace building at Archanes Phaistos, North Residential Quarters, Pier-and-Door Partition between Rooms 79 and 85 from E; Mudbrick storage bins in North Wing
Knossos, “Lustral Basin” Knossos, “Lustral Basin”
Mt Juktas, Peak Sanctuary; restored view of shrine; figurine
Faience figure from Knossos (Biers, 60), Temple Repositories; Gazi figurine
Knossos; Horns of Consecration
Platanos, Tholos tomb; Reconstruction of tholos tomb at Arkhanes; Khrysolakkos; Pithos burials at Arkhanes; larnax from Gazi
Knossos (Biers, 30-42)
Knossos: Magazines; “Queen’s Megaron”; bathroom (Biers 30-42)
Knossos: W side of central court; throne room; the Phaistos disk (Biers 30-42)
Gournia (Biers, 42, 44); faience town mosaic, Knossos (Biers 61)
La Parisienne from Knossos; frescoes from Santorini (Biers, 46-55)
Ayia Triadha Sarcophagus, early XIV (Biers, 49-51)