WhatChu’ Mean? Vocabulary PowerPoint TEACHER NOTES: Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Review the story “The Wise Old Women”. As you skim the story, locate the following vocabulary words. On loose-leaf paper, write the word, the page number where the word can be found, the word’s denotation and its connotation (positive or negative). *abandon *amazement *arrogant *bewilderment *commotion *conquer *deceive *haughtily *impressed *trembled 3. From the Start Menu, open Microsoft PowerPoint. Begin with a title slide including story title and author. Insert one word per slide and include the page number, connotation and denotation for each word. 6. Open NetTrekker. The link can be found under the Resources tab on my Blackboard site. Once on NetTrekker, search for an appropriate picture that depicts the word’s connotation or denotation. Insert one picture per slide by coping and pasting it on the slide. Once you have completed the tasks, you can add color, transitions, animation, etc. to your presentation. You may arrange your information in any creative way you wish. Save your PowerPoint Presentation in your folder on H Drive. Be prepared to present your final product to the class. This task uses: Microsoft PowerPoint NetTrekker (http://school.nettrekker.com/) Common Core/NG Standard(s): RL.8.4 - Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: andrea.buxton@cpsb.org School: Maplewood Middle Grade Level/Subject: 8/ELA Task Card Level: 1 Special Directions/Considerations: (http://school.nettrekker.com/) Activity Evaluation: Check list Prerequisites for students: Students will have already visited NetTrekker as a library day activity. Text being used (from the High School ELA Guidebook): The Wise Old Woman
PowerPoint Check List _____ Opening slide contains the title of the story and the author. _____ Each word has its own slide. (10 words) _____ Included page number _____ Included connotation of word _____ Included denotation of word _____ Included an appropriate picture depicting the word’s connotation or denotation _____ PowerPoint is presented *Grade is given per district’s grading scale.