EVOLUTION The management thinking is very old, since man is born with it, because at any time in history has been the need to coordinate, and execute decisions. However, the history of organizations and their management has its origin in more recent times.
CLASSIC APPROACH This approach highlights the importance of finding ways to manage work and organizations more efficiently. The approach is called "classic", it comprises the first works and contributions which forms part d the main roots of the field of management.
SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT Frederick Winslow Taylor. Known as "the father of scientific management." His main interest was to increase productivity through greater efficiency in production and better pay for workers through the application of scientific method. Some of its principles are: planning, preparation, testing and implementation.
BUREAUCRATIC ADMINISTRATION It emphasizes the need for organizations to operate rationally, rather than rely on the arbitrary desires of the owners and managers. The greatest representative was: Max Weber. Weber tried to visualize how large organizations, which originated in the Industrial Revolution, could operate ideally. He worked on the characteristics of the "perfect bureaucracy."
THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS This school focuses on the principles that administrators can use to coordinate the internal activities of organizations. Henry Fayol. French Industrial trained as a mining engineer. The main activities center management. The custom of dividing industrial activities into six groups: commercial, technical, financial, security, accounting and administrative. Recognized the need to teach administration.