2017 Evangelism & Discipleship Follow Me … and value people
Our goal For the next 2 years is to see the church double in every area from attendance to small groups to ministry.
Matthew 4:18-22 Jesus is looking for people to follow Him. He finds people in their environment. His words, “Follow Me” are the greatest leadership words ever uttered.
Follow Me Jesus will be your example. Jesus will be with you. Jesus will help you discover significance.
Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 Jesus Valued Zacchaeus More than Zacchaeus Valued Himself. Jesus Valued Zacchaeus More than Others Valued Zacchaeus.
The Samaritan woman John 4:7-9, 27 Jesus Valued the Samaritan Woman More than She Valued Herself. Jesus Valued the Samaritan Woman More than the Disciples Valued Her.
The Prodigal Son Luke 15:17-32 The Father Valued the Son More than the Son Valued Himself. The father valued the son more that the older brother valued his younger brother.
The Pit
This week The following is a list of 3 people I am attempting to invest & invite to Northside Community Church and/or to my Community Life Group. 1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ I Will : Pray for them daily : Value them the way Jesus values them : Share my testimony with them : Invite them to Northside/CLG