Prof. JD Kabasa, OHCEA CO-PI & Principal COVAB


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Presentation transcript:

Prof. JD Kabasa, OHCEA CO-PI & Principal COVAB OHCEA Strategy (2025) Prof. JD Kabasa, OHCEA CO-PI & Principal COVAB Watering the animal & humans DIVIDER PAGE (Alternative): Use this to introduce each section. 1

VISION: A global leader in One Health approaches to sustainable health for healthy productive animals, prosperous communities and productive ecosystems.   MISSION  To drive transformational change for continuous improvement of health and well-being of humans, animals, and ecosystems through multidisciplinary research, training and community service

The right coordination mechanism: regional platform OHCEA Regional Platform on Multidisciplinary and Multi-sectoral approach to improved and sustainable health in Eastern and Central Africa Regional initiative to end disciplinary and sectoral silo approaches to health The right coordination mechanism: regional platform Strategic Operationalization of the regional platform

Barriers are many, interconnected and complex. We need each other. Regional initiative for Multidisciplinary and Multisectoral approach to improved and sustainable health Rationale: Bring to end disciplinary & sectoral silos to health that have been shaped over decades. Barriers are many, interconnected and complex. We need each other. Need to prevent health risks, hazards, disasters and emergencies associated with emerging and re-emerging diseases and the nature of Africa’s future

OHCEA Regional initiative for Multidisciplinary and Multi-sectoral approach to improved and sustainable health Objective: Strengthen capacity and resilience to emerging and re-emerging health and development challenges at the member states’ and regional level in. Strategy: Create an inclusive university-mediated regional mechanism to harmonize efforts and strategies and cooperate among the member state institutions.

Create an inclusive regional mechanism : OHCEA Regional initiative for Multidisciplinary and Multi-sectoral approach to improved and sustainable health Create an inclusive regional mechanism : able to formulate common goals and strategies; able to coordinate interventions at trans-boundary level able to mobilize financial, human and infrastructural resources; able to share experiences and knowledge to improve performance.

1. Network Organisational development ...........the platform’s strategic direction and services 1. Network Organisational development Network of Excellence with a Stronger Regional platform and nodes for OH capacity development in member states’ “centres of excellence” Stronger OH network in leadership, governance, management, systems and procedures Regional and global partnerships for OH science-policy-practice interface

2. Regional Workforce Development ...........the platform’s strategic direction and services 2. Regional Workforce Development Regional Platform for OH capacity development with OHCEA member states’ “centres of excellence” Provide quality workforce for One health for different stakeholder groups Regional and global partnerships for OH science-education-policy-practice interface

3. Regional Surveillance, reporting & response capacity development ...........the platform’s strategic direction and services 3. Regional Surveillance, reporting & response capacity development Regional Platform for OH capacity development with OHCEA member states’ “centres of excellence” Provide Capacity development support for One health surveillance for different stakeholder groups Regional and global partnerships for OH surveillance and policy interface

4. Regional Research for sustainable Health and Development ...........the platform’s strategic direction and services 4. Regional Research for sustainable Health and Development Regional Platform for OH research and development with OHCEA member states’ “centres of excellence” Provide transformative research for One health innovations, service and evidence-based decision & policy making for different stakeholder groups Regional and global partnerships for OH research and development

...........the platform’s strategic direction and services 5. Stronger Partnerships for faster regional integration, networking, resource sharing & benefits Regional Platform for regional and global partnerships in OH health Build and leverage strategic partnerships to drive the OH agenda Partnerships with regional and national development partners in OH

...........the platform’s strategic direction and services 6. Strengthened infrastructure capacity for development and incubation of OH innovations Support building regional network of excellence in OH innovations Support industry in research and innovations development for OH agenda and in particular ICT Regional and global partnerships for OH innovations

7. Regional knowledge management & information Sharing ...........the platform’s services 7. Regional knowledge management & information Sharing Internet – portal of the platform (incl. Outreach, newsletter, etc.) On-line training and learning Intranet of the platform , knowledge hubs Communication strategy and facilities

Anticipated outcomes Effective and efficient One Health platform(s) (regional and national) providing leadership in driving OH agenda in ways that transform health systems in Africa and well being of its people Transformed research, policy, training and service systems impacting lives and ultimately improving livelihoods and food security Expanded scientifically grounded One Health body of knowledge contributing to global health system improvement