Local Underground Railroad Ties
http://www. lenconnect http://www.lenconnect.com/article/20150222/NEWS/150229637 Article about Safe House used near my house on Black Highway. Book about Underground Railroad in Lenawee County on its way from the Monroe County Library System http://michiganradio.org/post/michigan-woman-was-conductor-underground-railroad#stream/0 Articles about the Underground Railroads in our local area.
Laura Haviland From Lenawee County, Michigan Huge role in Underground Railroad in our local area Really cool lady who was beyond brave for all the things she accomplished in her life! Known as “Aunt Laura” because she treated everyone like they were family!
-What emotion does this picture invoke when you look at it. Make an Inference! -What emotion does this picture invoke when you look at it. -Make an Inference about what you think that she is doing in this picture! -What can you infer about this picture based on clues from the picture?
https://www. pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/Grani5n5/underground-railroads/ Underground Railroad Board http://femilogue.blogspot.com/2012/12/elizabeth-chandler.html Really Cool Site about Elizabeth Chandler and her life https://web.archive.org/web/20100528010930/http:/www.albion.edu/library/JAT/MIUGR.htm Interactive Michigan Underground Railroad Map https://web.archive.org/web/20100528165943/http://www.albion.edu/library/JAT/Adrian.htm Underground Railroad Map site for Adrian listing the places we talked about in class that are near my house!
Elizabeth Chandler Also from the Local Area of Lenawee County Is buried down the street from my house She was friends with her mentor Laura Haviland. Fun Miss Hall Fact: I did a report on this person in 4th Grade!
http://www. nationalgeographic http://www.nationalgeographic.org/media/underground-railroad-journey-freedom/ Journey to Freedoms Game http://photos.metrotimes.com/18-historic-and-not-so-historic-maps-of-michigan/?slide=10&9-underground-railroad-map Map photos of Underground Railroad map of Michigan http://www.munrohouse.com/blog/2011/01/michigan-underground-railroad-secret.html Secret Room Tours https://web.archive.org/web/20100528170616/http://www.albion.edu/library/JAT/timeline.htm Underground Michigan Railroad Timeline Facts Look on Pinterest for other cool links! https://www.pinterest.com/kmyrae/5th-grade-adventure/