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1. What political sentiment did President Harding’s election reveal 1. What political sentiment did President Harding’s election reveal? Explain. Wilson was a Progressive leader who was intellectual and worked to bust trusts. On the other hand, Harding supported big business and was friendly and likable, but not as outwardly intelligent. Harding’s election showed that more people supported big businesses and wanted the government to act favorably toward businesses. “Return to Normalcy”
2. What were the positive and negative aspects to Harding’s laissez-faire approach? Harding’s policies allowed American businesses to prosper during the 1920s. He reduced federal debt and created a surplus. However, he also allowed his friends to take advantage of their positions in the government and steal government money.
3. What were the social and economic problems during the Coolidge Administration and what did President Coolidge do about it? Farmers struggled economically as the price of goods fell. Labor unions wanted better conditions, and minorities were discriminated against. Coolidge would not interfere with capitalism to make a better society.
4. Describe the economy was like during Coolidge Administration? He reduced taxes, debt, and the federal budget to encourage successful businesses and economic prosperity. The economy boomed during his presidency.
5. Why did some Congressmen advise forgiving the war debts? Because Germany could not afford to pay its war reparations, Britain and France struggled to pay back war debts to the United States. The issue caused ill will between the former Allies and threatened to undermine the international economy. Some Congressmen thought it would be better to neutralize the issue by forgiving the debt.
6. Did the Dawes Plan solve the problem of war debt? Why or why not? The Dawes Plan failed to fix the global financial situation and actually may have made it worse. The plan assumed that Germany’s economy would boom once it received loans, and the United States economy would continue to do well. However, neither of these things happened. In fact, the United States had to stop their payments when the stock market crashed, which caused a chain effect and helped to spread the Great Depression around the world.
7. Explain how the lifestyles of urban and rural American differed during the 1920s. Urban values and rural values grew further apart. People from urban areas tended to value education and consumerism, and they were more open to social change. People from rural areas valued religious fundamentalism as well as endurance and physical strength.
8. How did the Scopes Trial show conflict between modernism and fundamentalism? During the Scopes Trial, a high school biology teacher was prosecuted for challenging a local law by teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution, which was in conflict with traditional religious beliefs.
9. What was the Red Scare and how did it affect America? Many people felt threatened by the Russian Revolution and Lenin’s communist ideas. Americans were alarmed by anarchist acts such as bombings. Italian- Americans and Russian-Americans were discrimination against.
10. What sentiments in the United States led to the rigid immigrant quotas in the 1920s? Nativists felt that immigrants were taking jobs that rightfully belonged to native-born Americans. Some people believed in eugenics and held the racist belief that immigrants had inferior intelligence and other negative characteristics. Nativists also feared communism and socialism.
11. Explain how Prohibition was related to the rise in organized crime of the 1920s. When liquor was banned, the demand for it skyrocketed. It became very profitable for gangsters like Al Capone to sell liquor illegally. Therefore, people who made money off liquor became criminals, and crime rose during Prohibition. It forced police to enforce antiliquor laws.
12. What did each side argue about positive and negatives of the Prohibition? What amendment repealed the 18th Amendment? Positive-improved individuals, strengthened families, better societies. Negative- ”illegal” would not stop people from drinking, and would lead to organized crime. The 21st Amendment repealed 18th amendment.