Booth Vogel, Abe Winterscheidt March 2, 2015 IB HOA The Red Scare Booth Vogel, Abe Winterscheidt March 2, 2015 IB HOA
Spread of Communism The Bolshevik Russian Revolution created fear of communism and socialism in the United States after 1917. WWI created a new national pride in the United States and caused hatred towards Labor Union/Left-Wing movements.
Red Scare (1919-1920) The promotion of fear of Communism, Anarchists, and Left-Wing movements. Encouraged first by Wilson Media interpreted Labor Strikes as “Crimes against society” and “Conspiracies against the government” Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer was know as the “Fighting Quaker” and was responsible for anti-communist campaign
Consequences 249 Alien Radicals we sent to Russia on “Soviet Ark” because of alleged support of communism 5 members of New York Legislature were denied seat because they had socialist agendas The Red Scare was used to break unions and fuel top 1% of country
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Anti-Foreigner The Italians Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were charged with arm robbery and the murder of two guards. They were known anarchists. 61 people claimed to see the two at the crime scene while107 people saw them elsewhere. The judge was known for hating foreigners and communists and the two men were executed
In Conclusion The 1st Red Scare continued throughout the 1920s but lost influence in the 1930s during the great depression. The fear of communism was again promoted in the 1950s in the 2nd Red Scare and throughout the Cold War.