POST 16 INFORMATION EVENING You should all have received an email today with either attachments or links to the following documents: 1. A copy of this presentation 2. A Quick Guide to Moving On 3. Information about how we will support your child with Post 16 options 4. KS4 Entitlement Statement 5. Key dates for Post-16 choices 6. A list of local College open days and evenings 7. A list of other local Sixth Form open days and evenings
Introductions Anne Brown. Qualified Careers Adviser from Derbyshire Careers Service offering independent and impartial Careers Advice and Guidance from Derbyshire YouthInc We were again revalidated with Careermark in July 2017, which is a gold standard award for providing excellent careers education, information, advice and guidance.
WHICH WAY NOW? In the next few months, students will need to make some very important decisions that will have a huge impact on their future It is really important that they understand ALL the options that are available to them THERE IS NO LIMIT ON HOW MANY COURSES AND PROVIDERS THEY CAN APPLY FOR!! MORE IS BETTER!!
2017 – What’s new All students should be in learning until the academic year in which they are 18 (equivalent of Year 13) This could be at school, college, an apprenticeship or job with training
New Grading Structure Most subjects will be graded using the new structure: Top grade = 9, decreasing down to 1. Technology and Business Studies will be graded using the A*-G grading system.
5 and above = top of C and above 4 and above = bottom of C and above Approximately top 20% who achieve a 7 or above will be awarded a grade 9. 7 = A 5 and above = top of C and above A grade 5 will be awarded to the top third of students gaining the equivalent of a grade C or bottom third of a grade B. 4 and above = bottom of C and above Broadly the same proportion of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above. On the left had side – new grading structure (9 grades) On the right – old grading structure (8 grades) You can see that one structure has 9 grades and another has 8 so there is not direct comparison between the different structures – BUT The proportion of students who gain a Level 7 with be the same proportion as those who currently gain an A The proportion of students who gain a Level 4 will be the same proportion as those who currently gain a C And the top 20% who achieve a 7 or above will be awarded a grade 9 – you can see that this is above the current A* standard. Another element to be mindful of is the measure set by the DFE that we believe will be a level 2 qualification. The measure that the Government has set is a 5. This is the top third of students gaining the equivalent of a C and the bottom third of those gaining a B. Currently this measure is set at a C grade (which compares with a 4) so immediately there is an increase in expectation to achieve this measure. Postcards with this information have been left on your chair. As a school the English and Maths department have been working hard to get to grips with the new GCSE specifications and the grading system. They have identified the criteria required for each grade and you will receive data about your child this year with the new grading system used for Maths and Science. The confusing element for you and your child is that they will receive assessment results and target grades in both grading structures. 9-1 in English and Maths and A*-G for the other GCSE. If at any time during the year you, or your child, is uncertain of the information that they have received then please contact initially their subject teacher or Head of Department. If you still require further clarification please contact myself and I will be happy to help.
Entry Requirements for Brookfield Sixth Form Our entry requirements for starting Sept 2017 are: The basic entry requirement into the Sixth Form is five GCSE passes at Grade A*-C including either English or Mathematics Grade 5-9. Anyone who does not achieve at least a Grade 4 in English or Mathematics will need to re-sit during the course of Year 12 – this will be the same for all post-16 providers. Where a subject is continued through from GCSE a Grade C or Grade 5 must be achieved unless the specific individual subject entry requirements are higher. Students generally commence three subjects in Year 12, although a number who have obtained mainly A/A*/8/9 grades at GCSE are expected to start with four subjects.
What are the Post-16 options? Further education at a school Sixth Form or College A Levels or some kind of BTEC/NVQ qualification Apprenticeships Employment with accredited training Study Programmes Traineeships
Option Levels Level 4 and above (University /Higher and Degree Apprenticeships) Level 3 (A levels, BTEC Extended Diplomas, NVQ 3, Advanced Apprenticeships) 2 years Level 2 (GCSE A*-C/9-4, BTEC Level 2 , NVQ 2, Intermediate Apprenticeships) 1 year Level 1 (GCSE D – G/3-1, BTEC Level 1, NVQ 1, Traineeships, Study Programmes) 1 year Entry Level 1 year
Level 3 (if they leave Y11 with L2 Qualifications): 2 years Need: min 5 GSCE grade 4 A-Levels Sixth Form or College More academic and subject related Can lead to uni (L4) or work BTEC Extended Diploma College 2 years Need: 4/5 GCSE grade 4 Broader career related e.g. IT Mostly coursework & placements NVQ College Work related E.g. plumbing 2 years Or part time on an Advanced Apprenticeship Usually need to have an NVQ 2
Level 2 (If they leave Y11 with Level 1 qualifications) BTEC Full time with opportunities to progress to Level 3 Need: 4 GCSE Grade 3 or above College Broader Career specific NVQ Need: 4 GCSE grade 3 or above Full time With opportunities to progress to Level 3 College Work Related Both of the above courses can be studied part time on an Intermediate Apprenticeship.
Level 1/Entry Level (If leave Y11 with grades E-G) TRAINEESHIPS/STUDY PROGRAMMES Both are usually career related and full time at college or external providers Students can progress to the next level of course (L1 or L2) Entry Level No formal entry requirements Level 1 For students with 1s and 2s and below at GCSE. There are no Apprenticeships at this level.
Apprenticeships Employer based and often 4 days in work place and 1 day study for qualification Paid £3.50 per hour minimum - If employed could be higher Organised by the employer or usually by various organizations e.g. NLT, local colleges (Learning Unlimited) Competitive entry and place not guaranteed Need to register on Apprenticeship website and usually advertised Feb onwards. Competitive entry so have a backup plan!
Apprenticeships 3 Levels: Higher/Degree Apprenticeships – equivalent to Level 4 and upwards. Level 3 qualifications needed for entry Advanced Apprenticeships – equivalent to Level 3. Level 2 qualifications needed for entry Intermediate Apprenticeships – equivalent to Level 2 . Level 2 (e.g. GCSE grade C) often needed but in limited cases may accept GCSE grade 3
Traineeships/Study Programmes TRAINEESHIP: Getting practical Work Experience STUDY PROGRAMME: Programmes for 16- 18 year olds to gain employability skills, work experience and qualifications to progress onto apprenticeships, employment or further education Length of programme varies Both offered by various providers e.g. Acorn, DCC, Juniper, NLT
When should they apply? Schools - mainly run A-levels for 2 years. Open events are usually this term. Usually have set closing dates for example the Brookfield closing date is January 26th 2018 (Brookfield 6th form evening on 21 Nov 2017). Colleges – various courses at various levels for 1/2/3 years. Open events start this term and go into spring term. Usually no set closing date but useful to apply pre Xmas Apprenticeships – usually 1/2/3 years. Explore this term as vacancies advertised on apprenticeship from Feb/March onwards
How will students decide which option (s) to take? What would they like to do in the future? What are their predicted grades? Does the course content interest/suit them? Does the style of learning/assessment suit them? Location – can they get there easily? Progression – what will the course lead to? Back up plan (apply for lots) !!!! All courses have entry requirements. 6th form 5 Cs but realistically will find a massive challenge if get the bare minimum. (every year students leave at end of Y12 – starting again.) Also need top effort grades for here. College has courses at ALL levels. Apprenticeships also for all abilities Enjoyment! Exams v coursework, buildings are not crucial but travelling times etc can be important – where next!!! What should not be deciding factors are friends and family – students will only succeed if THEIR heart is in it.
Action for students! Career ideas – use KUDOS career ideas program in school or home /National Careers Service/ Careers Wales/School library Attend 6th Form/Colleges Open Evenings this term and tasters at Chesterfield College at October break Look at and Apply early for a variety of opportunities based on your research!!! Not just ours – dates on school website and reminders
Resources Careers Library – KUDOS – Careers advice – Job Profiles & 13-19 section – Tools- Leaflets
How Families Work Together Talk to each other Go on visits together Fill out application forms together Go to interviews together Keep a record of applications Do some research together Practise Interview techniques together Keep eyes and ears open for vacancies
Anne Brown is available to speak to tonight Derbyshire Careers Service Anne Brown is available to speak to tonight Anne is also available in school every Wednesday and offers a drop in service at break time.
Good luck and let us know if we can help