Using Language Games - Conclusion
Video Let’s watch this brief conclusion and do a few final activities. Play the video.
Which is NOT true about using games with young language learners? Games help learners practice language. Games motivate students. Games can help you check your students’ progress. Games appeal to different kinds of learners. Games are hard to manage. Review Have participants vote on the correct answer. Answer: Games are hard to manage.
Our World Game Analysis With a partner, look through your student book and find a game you want to play. Play the game. Analyze the game for the language practiced and the learning styles it appeals to. Application Distribute Handout 4.2. Now we’re going to practice what we’ve learned with Our World materials. Ask participants to follow the directions on the screen. Give participants about 15 minutes to play the game and complete the analysis.
Game Share: Conclusion Let’s make a list of games you use that your students love. Have participants share as many games as they can think of. Type the names on the screen. If participants are not familiar with the game, have them explain or demonstrate the game to the group. Keep track of all the games, and if possible follow up with participants by email and send them the entire list of games for teaching English to young learners.