What do you find when you come to God? Graeme Sterne 2006 What do you find when you come to God? Graeme Sterne, 2006
“…with You there is forgiveness” Psalm 130:4
Psalm 130 Forgiveness (4) Hope (5) Enjoyment in Your presence (6) Unfailing love (7) Full redemption (7) Complete release from guilt Positive expectation for the future Joy, relaxation, freedom, new insights, pleasure, refreshment Always supportive, short distance No element of doubt
Forgiveness needs a context
Difference produces friction Sandpaper on wood Rubber on the road People in a team or family Hinge on a door squeaks when there’s too much friction
There’s friction between us and God He is holy and we are not He commands, we disobey He is God, we substitute Him for other things – some of us think we are God!
Friction produces heat, noise and discomfort The squeaky door hinge The annoying habits of others Our frustrated desires Guilt, frustration, annoyance, fear, embarrassment, unresolved conflict The wicked are like the tossing sea which churns up mire and dirt. Isaiah 57:20
We need forgiveness From God Romans 3:23 From one another Ephesians 4: 31,32 From ourselves Romans 8: 31-39 Romans 8:1
What has God ever done for me?
Let’s start with the commandments No other God’s before Me No idols Don’t use My name in an unworthy way keep the Sabbath day holy Honour your parents No murder No adultery No stealing No lying No coveting * Love God * Love others
What will you find when you come to God? A grim face? An unwelcoming spirit? An angry parent? Punishment? “If You kept a record of sins O Lord, who could stand?” Psalm 130:3
We may have walked a long way to return to God but when we get there He is ready.