Morphology Of Arabic Iman Fathima 1332136
Morphology identification, analysis, and description of the structure of a given language's morphemes and other linguistic units. Simply put, it’s the branch of linguistics concerned with the study of words.
Methods of creating & introducing new terms . Derivation Inflection Arabicization Blending Compounding Reduplication Borrowing Arabic Methods of creating & introducing new terms .
1.DERIVATION SIMPLE Circumlocution
SIMPLE DERIVATION The root words are traditionally accepted by the three consonants , ف , ع & ل . The derived forms of trilateral verbs are 15. فعل
ع ضرب ف ل الضارب
روحانية روح القرآنية القرآن مسؤولية مسؤول DERIVATION OF ABSTRACT NOUNS Meaning Derived from روحانية Spirituality روح Spirit القرآنية Quranic القرآن Quran مسؤولية Responsibility مسؤول Responsible
CIRCUMLOCUTION A method of introducing new terms in Arabic by giving the meaning of foreign terms. English Word Arabic term Cartoons رسوم متحركة Microphone مكبر الصوت Brakes الحركة مكابح
2.ARABICIZATION Adaptation of non-Arabic terms to Arabic by applying the latter’s phonological , or often morphological systems to the former. Non-Arabic Arabic Philosophy فلسفة Drachma درهم
3.BLENDING Formation of words from parts of two or more other words, which may not always be morphemes , but often are. English Arabic Derived from Electromagnetic الكهرومغناطيسي كهرباء & مغنطيسي Boulder جلمود جلدا & جمد
4.COMPOUNDING The process of word formation that creates compound words, formed from two or more morphemes. In Arabic, compounding doesn’t play such an important role as in English. English Arabic Earthworm دودة الأرض Red as blood أحمر كالدم Prince of the believers أمير المؤمنون
5.REDUPLICATION morphological process in which the root or stem of a word (or part of it) or even the whole word is repeated exactly or with a slight change. English Arabic Laughter قهقهة Whispers وسوسة Restlessness قلقلة
6.BORROWING The process of taking over of words from other languages. Examples : تلفزيون (Television) راديو (Radio) جغرافية (Geography) الإنترنت (Internet)
7.INFLECTION The process of adding inflectional morphemes (smallest units of meaning) to a word, which indicate grammatical information.
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