3 ring binder and notebook paper Algebra 1 Mr. Crites 2017 ----- ----- 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- communication with the teacher 1 dcrites@happyisd.net 2 Remind app Remind App Text messages Text Message Alerts Go to rmd.at/6a9b49 on your phone Text @6a9b49 to 81010 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- preparation class materials 1 2 3 Come prepared to class with your binder, notebooks, & pencil. When you first enter the classroom, you need to put your phone in your assigned spot, sit down, & get out your notes in that order. Work should be turned in by its due date. Late work will have major point deductions, if it is accepted at all. Pencils ______ Graphing calculator ___________ Pencils ________ 3 ring binder and notebook paper or Spiral notebook __ grades responsibility Grades will be updated weekly by Sunday night. Please check grades regularly and feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about a particular grade. If you are absent, you are responsible for completing your make-up work (one day for make-up for each day absent). Unless specific permission has been given, notes are always due regardless of absence. Make sure you communicate with me! 30% 20% 20% 20% 10% In-Class Assignments Assessments Unit Notes Vocab Tests Participation --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
assignment formatting food and drink policy Classroom procedures Absolutely NO food or drink is allowed in the classroom, with the exception of water. Yes, this includes gum as well! This year we will be doing what is called a flipped classroom. This means that instead of me talking to you in class and then you doing problems at home, we flip it so that you are getting the lecture at home and doing the problems in class. Each night you will watch videos (how about that for homework!). The next day you will have the opportunity to ask specific questions you may have and then practice what you watched in class, where you can get even more help from me. We will not have assigned seating in my class. You will not assign your own seating either. If you know you will have questions about the videos you watched, then sit at a table closer to the board so that everyone who has questions can be together and we can work as a group to make sure everyone understands the material. assignment formatting When turning in assignments online, they may be typed or, if you choose, you will be able do the work by hand and upload a picture of it as your submission. Any assignments given in class are expected to be done in that period. If any of it is unfinished, then it will be sent home with you and expected to be turned in the next day, completed, at the beginning of class. homework electronic devices This classroom will be using Google Classroom for all at-home assignments. Most nights will consist of no more than 20 minutes worth of homework. The homework will be to watch one or more videos that walk through the concepts we will practice the next day in class. These will be videos I create or ones I find to be beneficial. These videos are the ‘lecture’ portion of the class. You will be expected to watch the videos and copy down the information given into your notes. You will then submit your notes online by 7:50 AM the next morning. I will have the videos for Phones need to be put in their designated area at the beginning of class. Phones should not be used during class, unless otherwise instructed by the teacher or with permission. First offense: Student will turn the phone into the teacher until the end of class. Second offense: Student will turn the phone into the teacher until the end of day. Third offense: Phone will be turned into office and subject to the policy laid out in the student handbook. the whole week available for you to get ahead if you wish to. You will be able to get into the computer lab by 7:30 AM if you need Internet access. The lab also stays open well after school ends.