ISM Middle School and High School Program
ISM’s Middle and High School Program Middle School- Key Stage 3, Years 7-9 Students follow the UK curriculum High School – Key Stage 4, Years 10-11 In year 10 Students prepare for the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) the worlds most popular qualification for secondary school students. In year 11 students write the IGCSE exams which are externally assessed (ISM applying to be a Cambridge testing center) (2019- ISM fully authorized) Years 12-13- IBDP – a rigorous program also with external exams and well recognised by top universities
The Diploma Programme
What are people saying about the Diploma Programme? “…It not only gives children an international perspective to their education, but also focuses on how to be a learner. I am not just delivering them facts but how they will best learn what they want to know…” - Sarah Pepper ISD Principal, Ireland. “ “...I have absolutely no doubt that the IB is better than the national curriculum. The breadth of subjects allows students to be much better prepared for life beyond school...” - Paul Coates, CAS coordinator and House Master, Sidcot International School, UK. “...Skills I learned through DP will continue to put me in good stead for the rest of my life. IB gave me the peace of mind and confidence in my abilities. University is still a lot of work, but I know no matter how high the bar is set, I will be able to make the jump...” - Lindsey Fielding Croft, former student at Park View Education Centre, Canada.
What is the DP Program? The IBDP will aim to teach your child to: explore what it is to learn ask challenging and thoughtful questions develop a sense of identity and culture develop the ability to communicate with people from different countries and cultures
What is the DP Program? The program is a rigorous curriculum for students moving from one country to another. Today, there are now over a million IB students in nearly 150 countries. It is very well-respected by universities and is also an advantage if your child is hoping to study overseas.
University Credit for an IB Diploma Normally three of the IB program areas are studied at the "higher level," which is considered equivalent to university work. Students typically must attain at least a score of 5 out of 7 points on an exam for a higher-level course to be eligible for a university credit. You must take IB courses at a school authorized to offer the IB program. It may be possible to pursue an DP courses online at Pamoja Education if a student wishes to take a course that is not offered by a High School.
Course of Study Students take 6 courses, 3 HL and 3 SL courses Students must score a 5 or higher on an HL course and no lower than a 3 on one SL course. Students write exams on all six subjects in their final year which are externally graded (not marked by our teachers). Students must score 24 points out of 45 to get their IB diploma.
Diploma Subject Groups Group 1 – Studies in language and literature Language A: literature – 55 languages offered Language A: language and literature – 16 languages offered Literature and performance (also group 6) – 3 languages offered Group 2 – Language acquisition Language B –23 languages offered Language ab initio –12 languages offered Classical languages – 2 languages offered
Group 3 – Individuals and societies Business and management Economics Geography History Information technology in a global society Philosophy Psychology Social and cultural anthropology World religions (SL only) Environmental systems and societies (also group 4)
Environmental systems and societies Physics Computer science Y 9/10 Timetable Group 4– Sciences - Biology - Chemistry Design technology Environmental systems and societies Physics Computer science Sports, exercise and health science (SL only)
Group 5 and Group 6 Group 5 – Mathematics Mathematical studies SL Mathematics SL Mathematics HL Group 6 – The arts Music Theatre Visual arts Dance Film Literature and performance (also group 1)
Additional 3 points Extended Essay Theory of Knowledge Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)
ISM Graduation Diploma Students who cannot achieve an IB Diploma can still work towards an ISM Graduation Diploma acknowledging that they have received an High School diploma from an accredited High School.
University Preparation Support DP Coordinator- University Counseling (assist with applications, references, transcripts and essays) ISM and Casablanca visits by universities world wide Mock exams