City Council meeting, February 27, 2017 Item 17 Authorization to enter into a contract with Flintridge Center for Parole Reintegration Services City Council meeting, February 27, 2017 Item 17
Reducing community violence and crime Multi-prong strategy Awareness Intervention Prevention Reintegration
Reintegration Flintridge Center Reintegration focus since 2010 Comprehensive case management Outreach services Apprenticeship training Nearly 500 persons served 81 currently under case management Partial funding provided by $170,000 grant through Pasadena Police Department Grant funding terminates February 28, 2017
Reintegration Flintridge Center Currently pursuing Prop. 47 grant funds In association with City departments Awards expected in June Staff is recommending City provide $85,000 to provide for continuation of services until grant awards are made Concurrently, staff will focus on broader violence prevention strategy
Reintegration Local partners that provide specialized services to previously incarcerated community members: Friends Outside - training program for re-entry dads; Union Station Sources program to assist with employment barriers; Talk about Parenting-parenting programs to improve the quality of family life; and Foothill Workforce Development Board - provides reintegration services through the Adult/Dislocated worker Pathways program.
Recommendation Find that the recommended action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines per Section 15061(b)(3), the General Rule that CEQA only applies to a project that may have an effect on the environment. Appropriate $85,000 from the General Fund unappropriated fund balance to the City Manager’s FY17 operating budget; Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract not to exceed $85,000, without competitive bidding, with Flintridge Center; Grant the proposed contract an exemption from the competitive selection process, pursuant to PMC Section 4.08.049(B), contracts for which the City’s best interests are served