eMENTHE – Developing Master’s level eLearnig Material in mental health


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Presentation transcript:

eMENTHE – Developing Master’s level eLearnig Material in mental health Steering group meeting Tampere University of Applied Sciences 7. – 8.4.2014

EU & Coordinating Institution Project period in grant agreement: 1.10.2013 – 30.9.2016  Project costs eligible only during this period Grant agreement is made between the coordinating institution (TAMK) and the EU EU transfers project funding to coordinator Note! Self-financing part is not paid Coordinator transfers project funding to project partners according to their share EU funds kept in 0% interest bank account (=not making profit for coordinator)

EU’s timetable for payments In eMENTHE project, EU pays the grant in 3 parts 40% at the beginning of the project 40% after the progress report has been accepted 20% after the final report has been accepted  Last part of the grant comes long after the end of the project TAMK follows EU’s timetable for payments: TAMK pays partner expenses ONLY when TAMK has received EU grant and only UP TO the EU grant

EU’s timetable for payments Note! 70 % of the first pre-payment has to be used before sending a payment request for 2nd pre-payment! It is highly important for every partner to send the payment request´s to TAMK in time!

eMENTHE Budget Total budget: 365.481,00€ EU-grant maximum 75% of the eligible budget used, however maximum up to 274.109,00€ Project consortium’s self-financing in total: 91.372,00€

Deadlines for Requests of Payments Invoices (requests of payment) must be sent in every 3 months periods: 1st RoP covered the expences that took place between 1.10.-31.12.2013 1st quarter 2014: 1.1.-31.3.2014, request by 8th April 2nd quarter 2014: 1.4. – 30.6.2014, request by 8th July 3rd quarter: 2014: 1.7. – 30.9.2014, request by 8th October 4th quarter 2014: 1.10. – 31.12.2014, request by 8th January 1st quarter 2015: 1.1.-31.3.2015, request by 8th April 2nd quarter 2015: 1.4.-30.6.2015, request by 8th July 3rd quarter 2015: 1.7.-30.9.2014, request by 8th October 4rd quarter 2015: 1.10.-31.12.2015, request by 8th January 1st quarter 2016:1.1.-31.3.2016, request by 8th April 2nd quarter 2016: 1.4.-30.6.2016, request by 8th July 3rd quarter 2016: 1.7.-30.9.2016, request by 8th October