Year 4 Camp 2016-17 bay#.V9p-Ym9dHIU
Year 4 Camp 2016-17
Year 4 Camp 2016-17 Date: Monday 5th – Wednesday 7th June 2017 Time of arrival: 12pm Time of departure: 2pm Number of activities: Approximately 8 activities in total plus evening entertainment
We don’t let children take mobile phones or devices such as Ipads, Ipods etc. Children will be allowed to take some pocket money. The accommodation is in blocks with rooms of 4 or 6; teachers rooms are at the end of each block. Teachers have a master key for each room; doors can be unlocked from the inside. We will try to make sure that every child shares a room with at least one good friend. We will encourage children to participate in every activity but nobody will have to do anything that they feel uncomfortable doing. We will eat together each day in the dining hall.
Payment All payments must be made using the online Parentmail system. Total amount is approximately £185 Deposit £40 required by Friday 21st October A further £60 required by Friday 10th February The total amount will need to be paid by Monday 22nd May
The deposit is non-refundable. If a child’s place is cancelled more than 10 weeks before travel, the school will try to refund any further money paid (minus the non-refundable deposit). However, we cannot guarantee this. We will not be able to refund and money due to cancellations within 10 weeks of travel. We therefore ask parents to bear this information in mind when booking a place. If anyone has any questions relating to their own child please see your child’s class teacher who will be happy to discuss this with you.