Model United Nations at Palmetto Sr. High
Public speaking Have a purpose: You are not just stating a compellation of facts any speech you make should persuade other delegates toward your opinion. Be persuasive: Not a statement of your resolution, a description of the importance of your resolution from and international viewpoint
Frameworks Use a framework when outlining your speech Break your speech down into bullet points to organize your thoughts ensuring that it is logical To ensure that everything that is important is emphasized write down your three most important points. Include counter arguments to criticisms End with the most important point
MUN Style Model United Nations has a particular style of public speaking: The speakers list can take time to get through so you will have to change your speech for new developments. Never use the words “I” or “me”. You should use the formal name of your country, but are permitted to use “we”. You will likely have around a minute for your speech so it will be short and to the point. Be as technical as you can without information dumping
content Point out misconceptions or misinformation about a topic that it is against your countries policy A specific issue being debated An important or controversial operative clause you are working on Something the committee hasn’t addressed yet Tip: mention the other sponsors working on your paper to share the credit and make it easier for other people to find the group
For new public speakers In general, you should use bullet points so it sounds fluid but if you’re incredibly nervous about your speech then feel free to write it out! Posture and projection are very important for looking and sounding confident. Most people speak too fast- pause after each sentence. A meaningful pause can be very effective for emphasizing a point. Breathe.
Mun Formatting MUN uses a formal speakers list first to decide the topics and then to debate points about the topics and the ideas on the floor in papers. You will raise your placard when the chair asks for delegates to put themselves on the speakers list. Do this right away because the list will fill up. Be the speaker for the resolution you are working on as much as you can to make your self visible.
Basics of Being a diplomat You are expected to attend all committee sessions, but more importantly you will miss things if you miss session! Be willing to speak both in unmoderated and moderated caucus. Know your policy and find ways to work it into other peoples papers while appearing diplomatic.
Attire Western business formal attire is required for all delegates Women: Wear a blazer or a formal cardigan, black leggings, a blouse, and pencil skirt that is knee length or a dress. Shoes should be formal, you can wear heels but be aware you will be standing and walking much of the conference. Feel free to wear jewelry that match your outfit!
Attire Men: A suit jacket and matching suit pants, dress shirt, and tie or bowtie and vest. You must wear dress shoes, preferably that match your suit. Wear black socks if you are wearing a black suit, people will see your socks so make sure they match and are not tacky. Get creative!
tips Power suit, power stance Be well groomed- take a shower, shave, wear deodorant, no food stains Suits: Unbutton your suit jacket when sitting and button it when standing Only button top button on one-button suit, top two buttons or middle button on three- button suits Wear color to draw attention to yourself