INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS PROGRAMME White Paper Presentation <Date of Presentation(TBA)> <Project Title> Programme Manager:
Programme Team Role Name Institute Work Package(s) Programme Manager (PM) Principal Investigator (PI) Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI) Collaborator *Please insert more rows for additional PIs, co-PIs, and/or collaborators.
Programme Overview
Rationale for Funding
Programme Description (Research Plan & Scope)
Programme Description (Demonstrator Scenario) Include technical achievements to be showcased
Programme Description (Structure and Work Packages) Include explanation on how structure enhance programme integration and robustness.
Milestones & Deliverables
Programme Management
Programme Budget Proposed Budget for Overall Programme Headcount (FTE) No. Expenditure on Manpower (EOM) S$ Equipment (EQPT) Other Operating Expenses (OOE) Others (such as Travel) Total Proposed Amount: Up to $20M funding for programme
WORK PACKAGES Include more Work Package sections as necessary
WP xx Description and Objectives Important to highlight how WP contribute to the overall programme and link to other WPs.
Research Approach / Methodology
Novelty of Approach
Budget (WP xx) Proposed Budget Headcount (FTE) No. Expenditure on Manpower (EOM) S$ Equipment (EQPT) Other Operating Expenses (OOE) Others (such as Travel) Total Proposed Amount:
End of Presentation Q&A Session
For Information (Not to be presented)