Compare and Contrast Resources of the British Empire and the Continental Army at the Start of the War Citation: All research information came from July 4, 1776
Military Resources British Army Best Trained Army in the World 36,000 Troops Loyalist – Supporters of the English Crown – 10,000 Troops Hessian Army – Germany Mercenaries hired to fight by The English – 30,000 Native Tribes – 13,000 African American Troops 20,000 Continental Army Poorly Trained Inexperienced Continental Army 30,000 Troops Militia – farmers who would defend their area and assist in an emergency 40,000 Militia Few Native American Tribes willing to assist – 1,000 5,000 Advantage
Naval Resources British Army Best Navy in the Word Hundreds of vessels at their disposal for transportation and warfare Continental Army Essentially No Navy Some merchant vessels outfitted with guns Advantage
Technological Resources British Army Brown Bess Muskets made In England Artillery Continental Army Didn’t have the industry to produce Guns or artillery Relied on their own personal weapons or handmade weapons made by gunsmiths Frontier Farmers did have rifles that were more accurate but took longer To load Advantage
Economic Resources British Army Strongest economy in the world through mercantilism Centralized Banking System with a strong currency and credit English people will be taxed to pay for this war England is already in debt from French and Indian War Continental Army Didn’t have a currency and could not establish credit Rely on wealthy individuals to use personal saving to bankroll the war Advantage
Management Resources British Army Government is 3000 miles away Traditional More rigid Army Best Cavalry in the World Generals that have fought in French and Indian War Continental Army Government is in Philadelphia, PA Adaptive, Flexible Army Few Cavalry Soldiers with experience Generals have limited experience From French and Indian War Advantage
Land Resources British Army Previous fought and won the French and Indian War in America Easy establish control of coastal cities along the 13 colonies Large area to try and control Continental Army Fighting on their homeland Defensive positions along the interior Difficult controlling Rivers and sea Advantage
Motivational Resources British Army Confidence from past military success Maintain an empire and an Economic system of mercantilism Continental Army Defending their land Seeking independence Advantage
British Strategy for Victory Use their overwhelming Navy and Army advantage to control the coastal cities Capture New York Colony with a three pronged attack to isolate the New England Colonies Defeat Washington’s Continental Army and capture the leaders of the rebellion Quickly defeat the enemy in an open field battle
Continental Army Strategy for Victory Fight a defensive war Avoid an open field battle that will expose the inexperienced soldiers until they receive better training Look for assistance from other countries Extend the war for a long period of time
Student Activity: Quick Write Activity Prediction – Based on the Chart and strategies, explain who is favored to be victorious in the American Revolution at the start of the war.