Week 9 Infograph Presentations Warm Up +10 min Set up for your presentation – post url Identify who will be a settler – presenter Identify who will be a traveller – presenter Once ready travellers stand with a device for infograph and a note taking apparatus
CONTENT CRITERIA +5=15 1. APA Format Reference Citation Author Last Name Author First Name. (Date). Title, City, State: Publisher. 2. Identify Self-Discipline Pyramid Levels 3. Multiple Management Strategies 4. At least 4 images for management strategies 5. Resources INFOGRAPH CRITERIA Infograph Rubrichttp://www.schrockguide.net/uploads/3/9/2/2/392267/schrock_infographic_rubric.pdf
Presentations +80=100 min Similar to Settlers & Travellers Split Team in Half = Settlers & Travellers - Settlers stays and present - Travellers Travel and present 2. Settlers Start - 5 minutes per book 3. Travellers present second – 5 minutes 4. Then travellers rotate tables clockwise – 30 secs 5. Repeat for all books
Infograph Voting +5=105 Pull out a piece of paper What was the best infograph in your cohort? Beyond Discipline Reclaiming Youth at Risk – Circle of Courage Creating Emotionally Literate Classrooms Disciplines that Restore Power of Our Words Lost at School – Plan B Wounded by School Circle Processes Turn in paper to Anne René for voting
Think – Ink – Pair – Share (+5=110) How could you use an infograph in your classroom?
WINNERS +5=115 Come choose your prize Post your infograph on your website announcing that you were the winner of the cohort competition. Copy & paste the ribbon
CAIIFF +5=120 https://www.caiiff.com/ Free tickets! If interested Raise your hand - Sign up.
Week 10 Assessment Plan Joint Session +5=125 min Objective: After instructors guide assessment analysis, TCs will be able to have the assessment data inform their instruction - next steps for different students. Before Class 1. Read the Assessment Commentary Instruction in edTPA Handbook 2. Re-read Product webpage on http://secondarydifferentiation.weebly.com/product.html 3. Read sample assessment commentaries on http://www.passedtpa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Perfect-Assessment-Commentary.pdf 4. Read: Assessment Plan Rubric & edTPA Planning Commentary Instructions 5. Post a draft Assessment Plan by Monday Nov 6th 6. Ticket: Draft Assessment Commentary MANAGEMENT PLAN DUE On Your Website Thursday Nov 2nd Submit a paper copy of the self-assessed management plan rubric Nov 3rd (p. 15 of syllabus) PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE & SOCIAL MEDIA CHECK 3 Focus on Assessment Plan Week 8/9 in Literacy, Week 10 Joint Session Due Week 11 in Teri’s 521 class & week 12 in EDSS 511
Week 9 Exit Ticket +25=2 hrs 30 min Revise your management plan with these new strategies Post your management plan to website by Thursday Nov 2nd