Expository Writing: The Role of advertising in the lives of youth Writing Workshop Expository Writing: The Role of advertising in the lives of youth
Introduction Underline your HOOK. Circle your Research Question. Does it capture your reader’s attention? Is it related to the topic? Circle your Research Question. Is there commentary about advertisements and an explanation about why this question is important? Highlight your thesis in GREEN. Is it an Although statement? Do you list three main ideas?
Hook Research Question Thesis Introduction Example Hook According to the Coca Cola webpage, it states, “We also acknowledge that as an informed parent or caregiver, you are best equipped to make the right dietary choices for your children.” However, how do the parents know that their children are actually making the right choices? When looking through marketers and how they target kids, one question continues to pop out, how do advertisements affect children’s poor choices? Poor choices are all around and parents cannot always make the right choice for the child. Although parents are the primary caregiver, children are just as responsible for their choices because they have the power to choose, they have access to many types of media and advertisements continuously target children through different advertising techniques. Research Question Thesis
Body Highlight you r TOPIC SENTENCE in GREEN. Does your topic sentence state your main idea? Highlight your PROOF in PINK Are you using quotes from the text? Do you correctly use the Transition-Lead in-Quote: LABEL. Does your Lead in tell the reader where you got the information? Highlight your COMMENTARY in YELLOW Do you connect your commentary back to your proof and topic sentence? Do you have your own ideas in the commentary? Is this explaining your topic clearly?
Body Example As technology continues to grow, children are gaining more and more access to advertisements. For instance, in “Facts About Marketing to Children” it states, “youth are multitasking their way through a wide variety of electronic media daily, juggling iPods and instant messaging with TV and cell phones.” This shows that as children continue to get more access to different technologies and continue to use these different media outlets, then advertisers will want to expose themselves to children through social media.
Conclusion Highlight your restated THESIS in Green. Do you use the same idea but bring it up differently? Although parents are the primary caregiver, children are just as responsible for their choices because they have the power to choose, they have access to many types of media, and advertisements continuously target children through different advertising techniques. Due to a variety of factors, children are making poor choices based on the how the marketers appeal to them. Through media and advertising techniques, as well as having a strong buying power, children are being influenced to think and act a certain way.
Conclusion Highlight the Commentary in YELLOW Do you make the reader think beyond? Are there any predictions or “what-ifs”? Underline your transitional phrase that prepares the reader for your conclusion.
MLA Format Is your LAST NAME and page # in the margin Smith1 Do you state your name, teacher name, class, due date? John Smith Mr. Doemel LA 1-2 5 December 2014 Times New Roman? Size 12? Double Spaced?
Register Double check to make sure you are using FORMAL register. Spell out contractions 3rd Person POV; Remove all forms of “you” and “I” Avoid using passive voice; use active The research was completed by the students in 2009. The students completed the research in 2009 (ACTIVE VOICE) Remove all slang *awesome, okay, check it out) Remove clichés too much of a good thing moment of truth Time is money. Don’t push your luck. Beauty is only skin deep.
Conventions Check Spelling Check Grammar Sentence Variety Did you spell words correctly or are using correct word choice? Check Grammar Read your sentences aloud. Do they make sense? Sentence Variety Do you use simple and compound sentences? (pg 120-21)