Linking Learning to Earning Eileen Drake – PCC Structurals Amy Parkhurst – Worksystems, Inc.
Why Business Should Care? Youth Business Recession is Temporary Baby Boomers Retiring 21st Century Jobs Require Education Beyond High School Concern about Pipeline High School Graduation Rate 58% High School Graduates with Low Basic Skills Teen Unemployment Highest in History Oregon 2nd Highest in US – 31% This slide sets the context for current reality. AMY/YOUTH: Future Workforce characteristics – high drop out rate, X % of youth go to college, and only X % graduate. Unemployment among 16-19 year olds Is the highest nationally in recorded history…but guess what? Oregon’s teen unemployment rate is the second highest in the country. EILEEN/BUSINESS: Businesses in the Portland Metro Area are facing very challenging times. We see a workforce crisis is looming. Massive numbers of highly skilled workers will soon retire and we need skilled and trainable replacement workers. Businesses care about their workforce pipeline…shall I say more about what a pipeline is? In Portland, employers are partnering with local government, education and community organizations to identify opportunities to connect with our communities youth, help them see a future and hopefully, motivate them to graduate with the skill level needed to work and go to college.
Business Partnerships Summer Youth Connect Youth SummerWorks BizConnect Eileen: We’re going to look at a few different initiatives where business is a key partner
Summer Youth Connect Worksystems Mayor’s Office Portland Schools Foundation Mayor’s Office Worksystems Summer Youth Connect Amy: Here’s the Continuum of programs under the umbrella of Summer Youth Connect. Worksystems leads SummerWorks. Last year was our first year.
Amy: Poll room – what was your first summer job Amy: Poll room – what was your first summer job? Pick no more than 3 responses. When was the last time you saw a young person [insert examples of what was said]
Summer 2010… Summer 2009 $3.4 Million Stimulus 1300 Kids 65% Kids of Color 300 Worksites 94% Completion Rate 86% Employer Satisfaction Rate Stimulus $ Uncertain Employer Champions Crafting Long-Term Sustainable Model: Local State Mutual Investment Worksystems contracted with 12 youth providers in Multnomah and Washington Counties to operate SummerWorks. Open meadow was one. 300 employers from Multnomah and Washington Counties hired 1300 kids. Made possible because of stimulus funds. Funding for a large scale program is still uncertain for this summer but we will run a program of some magnitude. Eileen: (and Amy if it makes sense) Whether or not more federal funding comes again this year, we know that this program is important, we know we need young people to have opportunities to work, earn a paycheck, learn the basics about succeeding on a job – like being on time, communicating problems, getting along with coworkers. Right now Sandy/PBA, PGE and my company are recruiting employer champions to hire youth this summer and pay the costs. We need a long term sustainability model that is funded with public and private dollars – a mutual investment model.
Benefit To Employers Pipeline – Retiring Baby Boomers Economic Development Wages invested in local economy Access to diverse future workforce Easy for you to be a CHAMPION It’s the right thing to do Eileen – there are many reasons why business needs to be involved…
BizConnect Makes the Connection Relevant classroom learning To inspire students to graduate Options for meeting graduation requirements Diverse pipeline of qualified people for replacement & new jobs. Local High Schools Need: Area Businesses Need: BizConnect Makes the Connection Amy will run through this slide: Systematizes School to Career Connections Piloted with Federal Dollars Business Solution to CRLE request overload Currently Coordinated by Portland Business Alliance in MultCo and Hillsboro Chamber in Washco Quick run thru graphic 1000 employer partners in 5 Counties David Douglas, Park Rose, OM, Aloha, Beaverton, Qwest, Arts Magnet – Beaverton Future: Maintain current size while seeking funding Possible Statewide Replication Business Partner Marketing & Recruitment Database of Career Exposure Opportunities Business Training & Support High School Partners
Benefits to Youth Benefits to Business Student exposure to career options, business culture, employer expectations Begin to build career network Increased motivation to complete high school and pursue postsecondary training Pipeline - Opportunity to market careers to young people One solution to connect with multiple schools. Opportunity to make an investment in the community Employees Enjoy It! 1000 kid in
Call to Action Join BizConnect Hire a SummerWorks youth or Partner with BizConnect