Thanksgiving! Winter Holidays! Spring Break! Summer Time! $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 True or False: When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, it increased the demand for slaves. BACK
$100-Answer TRUE! The gin separated seeds faster but didn’t replace the need for slave labor. Owners wanted more labor for more & more & more production so they could become rich $$$$$$$$$ BACK
$200 After Alexander Stephen’s “Georgia Platform” was presented to Congress, what did this allow other Georgia law makers to approve? BACK
$200-Answer The Compromise of 1850 BACK
$300 What law was passed that satisfied Southerners enough to calm down talks of secession, and allowed them to approve the Compromise of 1850? BACK
$300-Answer Fugitive Slave Act (Law) BACK
$400 In 1860, Georgia & other southern states seceded from the Union. What event had the most immediate impact on their decision? BACK
$400-Answer The election of 1860 (Abraham Lincoln) BACK
$500 Explain why southerners were more self-sufficient than northerners during the antebellum era. BACK
(rarely relied on government services) $500-Answer Due to living in the rural south, they were use to relying on themselves for everyday living necessities. (rarely relied on government services) BACK
An Abolitionist is someone who relies on slavery for its labor. $100 True or False: An Abolitionist is someone who relies on slavery for its labor. BACK
False: An Abolitionist is someone who does not approve of slavery. $100-Answer False: An Abolitionist is someone who does not approve of slavery. BACK
The Union stood for state’s rights when it came to slavery. $200 True or False: The Union stood for state’s rights when it came to slavery. BACK
$200-Answer False!!! Southerner's believed laws should be made by the states, and that they shouldn’t have to answer to the federal government. BACK
What does the term “sectionalism” $300 What does the term “sectionalism” mean? BACK
$300-Answer The belief that people’s needs & wants in their section are more important than those of another section. (ex. North vs. South) BACK
Benefit for North or South? $400 “Compromise of 1850” Benefit for North or South? “Slave trading stopped in Washington D.C.” BACK
$400-Answer North BACK
$500 What does the term “nullification” mean, and give an example of something becoming “nullified?” BACK
$500-Answer “To ignore, or do away with, or to void.” Example:The South nullified northern tariffs placed on goods imported from other countries. BACK
$100 What new country did the southern states create once they seceded from the Union? BACK
Confederate States of America $100-Answer (CSA) Confederate States of America BACK
$200 After the Missouri Compromise was ruled unconstitutional, Kansas was able to vote on becoming a slave or free state. What happened? BACK
$200-Answer Abolitionists & pro-slavery people traveled there in order to vote even though they were not living there. They began fighting and killing each other to what is know today as “Bleeding Kansas” BACK
$300 The North asked Congress to pass high tariffs on Southern states because… BACK
$300-Answer Because southern states were ignoring the North and doing business with foreign countries BACK
$400 Aside from the Fugitive Slave Law, what two other benefits did the South have included in the Compromise of 1850? BACK
$400-Answer 1.Although Texas lost control of the New Mexico Territory, they could still vote in order to become a slave state. 2. Slave owners in Washington D.C. kept their slaves. (Only slave trading was illegal) BACK
$500 List at least 5 main causes of the Civil War we have discussed in class. BACK
Conflict over developing West $500-Answer Slavery Secession Economies Tariffs State’s Rights Sectionalism Conflict over developing West BACK
$100 What slave sued for his freedom after he was taken into a free territory? BACK
$100-Answer Dred Scott BACK
What was the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case? $200 What was the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case? BACK
$200-Answer Dred was a slave. Slaves were not citizens. Only U.S. citizens can sue in an American court. BACK
$300 After what court case did the U.S. Supreme court rule that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional? BACK
$300-Answer The Dred Scott Case BACK
Why do we not have many written accounts from slaves during the $400 Why do we not have many written accounts from slaves during the Antebellum period? BACK
It was illegal for them to be taught how to read & write. $400-Answer It was illegal for them to be taught how to read & write. BACK
Explain aspects of the Missouri Compromise? $500 Explain aspects of the Missouri Compromise? BACK
AND: No slave states could enter the Union north of Missouri $500-Answer 11 free / 11 slave states If Missouri was to be allowed statehood in the Union as a slave state, Maine would enter the Union as a free state to keep the balance of slave & free states equal. AND: No slave states could enter the Union north of Missouri BACK
Final Jeopardy Ready? BACK
Where did the first shots of the Civil War take place? Final Jeopardy Where did the first shots of the Civil War take place? BACK
Final Jeopardy-Answer Fort Sumter: Charleston South Carolina BACK