REGIONAL TRAINING WORKSHOP Agribusiness PPPs and Territorial Investment Approaches for Agro-industrial Development Bangkok, Thailand July 20-22nd,2016 INTRODUCTION
Background Agro-industry is constantly evolving: while demand continues to grow, consumer needs shift, production challenges intensify, and new technology impacts every aspect of the agrifood system To adapt, the food industry and agribusinesses must think innovatively, move quickly, and continually reconfigure themselves The public sector needs to play a key role in facilitating this transformation towards competitive agribusiness and agro-industrial sectors
Background Following on from Chiang Mai 2015 workshop on agro-industrial strategy development Special topics of interest: Agri-PPPs and other approaches for stimulating private sector investment in agriculture Target audience: senior officials working in the Ministry of Agriculture and related ministries (e.g. Ministries of Industry, Trade, Commerce, Finance, etc.) private sector representatives practitioners
Need for this training in Southeast Asia Some positive trends: Increasing level of domestic and foreign investment in agro-industry High level of value chain integration Highly educated staff in public sector But: Still significant gaps to be addressed to unlock the growth potential of the agro-industry sector Public sector staff need support on specific measures, best policy options, practical guidelines and good practices
Objectives Build analytical skills Provide a toolkit of useful resources Learn from other countries in the region
Expected outputs Participants will be able to: Understand practical aspects on how and when to promote agri-PPPs and adopt territorial investment approaches Use the appropriate tools to evaluate the opportunity and feasibility of the approach, and plan for implementation that is inclusive of smallholder farmers
Structure and agenda 7 sessions DAY ONE Session 1: Introduction to agro-industrial investment tools Session 2-4: Territorially-based approaches and investment tools DAY TWO Session 5: PPPs for Agribusiness Development Session 6: Agri-PPPs for pro-poor growth & inclusion DAY THREE Session 7: Investment frameworks & policy recommendations Conclusions 7 sessions Sessions include: presentations + practical exercise + group discussions