Update! GOES-12 Imager Striping Timothy J. Schmit, etc SaTellite Applications and Research (STAR) Advanced Satellite Products Team (ASPT) in collaboration a lot of folks The problem A plan What’s next? Update (9June03) May 23, 2003 UW-Madison
TC1, TC2 (or alpha and beta’s) only remove the fixed bias due to any spectral response differences. So, individual conversion from radiance to brightness temperature will not help if the striping is a random component in the radiances. Radiometric Conversions. Planck Function constants are used to make the conversion between radiance and brightness temperature or vice versa. To convert from radiance (mW/m2/ster/cm-1) to temperature: temp = [ fk2 / (alog((fk1 / rad) + 1)) - bc1 ] / bc2 To convert from temperature (K) to radiance (mW/m2/ster/cm-1): rad = fk1 / [ exp (fk2 / (bc1 + (bc2 * temp))) - 1 ]
Mike W: The basic cause of the striping is low-frequency noise in the detectors. It affects the detector outputs during scene measurement, causing differences between the outputs of the two detectors that change within a frame but which can also extend fairly uniformly over several lines, single lines, or fractions of lines.It also affects the half-hourly calibrations, causing differences between the two detectors of a pair that are consistent within a frame (e.g., a CONUS) but change from frame to frame. There also may be systematic differences between the two detectors caused by I don't know what, but those are usually relatively small.
Rainfall from Bob K.
Fog – from Gary E.
Clouds – from Tony S.
IR = 2x1
Weighted average of each line with that above and below IR – triangle filter
Table 4.6: GOES-12 Imager Striping Compared to GOES-11. (Don Hillger)
Need a separate dataset? Need to output as full bit depth GVAR data May want to work on multiple band images Put application on server side? Implementation
From Dave S.
The weights used in this example are: Current features of the code are: Up to 10 lines of weighted averaging Preserves line prefix Uses ADDE Any size image Only outputs a single band Does not take into account missing lines
Band 4 – no enhancement
Band 4 – w. enhancement
Band 2
Band 6
Band 3