Yahoo Groups
Invitation to join Yahoo Groups If you are an Employer or a Job-Seeker Participating in one or more of our Local Meetings, our Volunteers have probably invited you to join our Yahoo Groups.
Why do you need a Yahoo Profile (Account)? 1) You will be able to view the archive of messages (job leads, job fairs, articles). 2) You will be able to specify an alternate Email Address that you monitor regularly. 3) You will be able to control Message Delivery (Individual - Digest - No Email) 4) You may be able to specify Message Format.
At first some of the information seemed invasive, but my name, gender, birthdate and postal code information is not displayed any where that I have seen. The process of creating a profile does create an email account; BUT, like me, you do not have to use it, ever.
Note:# When first creating your Yahoo account 'Profile', you can experiment with minimizing the information you give. Years ago I did specify Birthdate, Gender, Industry, Title, Specialization, Time Zone For my email address, I do have a yahoo address that I have never used and my primary email address. For contact information: My first and last name is required (* marks required fields) I also gave a name prefix. For Home Information: City, State, Zip(* required) and Country. For Work/School Information: Country. At the bottom of the form, I see the note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required for most Yahoo! services. I did not complete some of those because I am not buying any Yahoo services.
This newer form may be simpler? or it leads to more Questions? … 1) Signing up seems to require: a) a First Name and a Last Name b) Gender c) a Birthdate: Month, Day, Year d) a Postal Code 2) Select a unique Yahoo_ID (Alternatives will be suggested if not unique.) 3) Specify a password. 4) You may also specify an alternative email address. (I have never used theirs) (provide one that you will monitor regularly) 5) You will also be asked to select 2 Security Questions and give their answers. 6) The code assures them that you are a person and not an electronic robot. 7) Agree to their terms. [Create My Account] This newer form may be simpler? or it leads to more Questions? …
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