The European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion (2010) An initiative of the European Union The European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion (2010) “Reaffirm and reinforce the Union’s commitment to solidarity, social justice and greater cohesion”
Financial framework EY2010 : a peculiar framework -> Indirect centralised management -> through competent bodies at national level in compliance with Art 54(2)c of the Financial Regulation
Management Mode
Management Mode What does it mean ? The Commission gives a « local beneficiary » the right to manage European public money The Commission must take all the necessary steps to ensure that the « beneficiary » to which the money is given has the financial and operational capacity to deal with public money and appoint the body officially.
Management Mode In theory, why should we favour the indirect centralised type of management ? it is particularly appropriate for the implementation of broad‑based programmes which require proximity to final beneficiaries and in the case of simultaneous measures at national level using coordinated methodology. With this form of management, better use can be made of existing resources in the Member States.
The National Implementing Bodies In practice, these competent bodies are known in the draft Decision as the National Implementing Bodies (Art 6(1))
The National Implementing Bodies How does it works ? Step 1 – The Commission adopt a framework Decision laying down the rights and obligation of the Commission and the Member States Step 2 – Empowerment from Spidla to appoint the national bodies proposed by the MSs Step 3 – The Commission sends a request for nomination of the NIBs with a questionnaire to the Member States
The National Implementing Bodies Step 4– the MSs propose a competent body that can act as the National Implementing Body for the EY2010 The proposed body should match with the criteria laid down by the Financial Regulation and its Implementing Regulation (Art 54(2) of FR & Art 35,39, 41 of IR) and in line with the Strategic Framework Document (SFD) Step 5 – The Commission makes the checks of « eligibility » of the proposed National Implementing bodies The Commission checks the criteria against the FR, the IR and the SFD and the questionnaire Step 6 – The Commission appoint the NIBs through a a Decision in forms of letters by « procédure de délégation ».
The national Implementing Bodies What will they do ? - They will ensure the execution of the EY2010, through national programmes These national programmes will be subjected to prior approval by the Commission and should be in line with the Decision on EY2010 and the Strategic Framework Document - They will ensure the day-to-day operations and try to « translate » the philosophy of EY2010 taking into account the national sensitiveness
The National Implementing Bodies How will they manage to do this ? Through call for tenders at national level In collaboration with the European Commission & a special contractor who will be dealing with advice to all the participating countries.
In a nutshell The appointed NIBs submit a national programme to the Commission The Commission approves/amend the national programme The NIBs operate on the approved national programme
The Commission and the NIBs Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries
Beyond the financial aspects I Commission Contractor SFD/DECISION SUPPORT from the Commission Consultative Committee EU Stakeholders NIB National Programmes MS Stakeholders Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries
Beyond the financial aspects II Commission Contractor O U T P U T E Y 2 0 1 0 Key messages/Political content NIB Translation/adaptation of key Messages- dissemination of political content Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries