Southern Sudan and Mosul, Iraq Crisis Response
Armed conflict has caused food shortages and the displacement of innocent people. Children, people with special needs, and pregnant and lactating mothers are especially at risk.
Responding to Refugees at Christmas $50,000 is needed to purchase and deliver crisis kits containing food and winterization kits over the next 30 days in Mosul, Iraq. $50,000 is needed to help 1,500 South Sudanese women, children and people with special needs with emergency food*. *Matched 4:1 by the Canadian Government
Please Donate 1-800-779-7262 Time is running out for families with little or no food. God bless you for your generosity. “When you provided food for the hungry, a drink for the thirsty, refuge to the stranger, clothing for the naked, care for the sick, and comfort for the prisoner, you were doing it unto me.” Jesus 1-800-779-7262