Northern Renaissance Netherlands and low countries in 1420 These artists didn’t have access to Classical Greek and Roman art like Italians did They focused on recreating real life Major artists: Jan Van Eyck- known for incredible attention to detail Bruegel- known for doing artwork about peasant life
Jan Van Eyck Known as the “Father” of oil painting Was the first known artist to achieve recreating real life with oil paints. Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride Very realistic interior scene. Shows couple exchanging vows in bride’s home.
The convex mirror in the background shows a perfect reflection of the whole scene. The artist also signed his name on it.
Bruegel: Painter of Peasants Mainly paining country and peasant scenes showing ordinary people at work or relaxation. “Hunters in the Snow”
“The Peasant Wedding”
Italian Renaissance Aka, the High Renaissance 1500-1520; Florence, Rome, and Venice Major Artists Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Titian
Leonardo da Vinci Known for “Mona Lisa” and use of chiaroscuro Known for “The Last Supper” and use of perspective Known for “Mona Lisa” and use of chiaroscuro
The Original “Renaissance Man”, Da Vinci was a painter, architect, inventor, and scientist.
Michelangelo - Known for the “Sistine Chapel” -Known for his “David” sculpture
Michelangelo was commissioned to paint the Sistine Chapel (it’s ceiling). He painted in fresco while laying or standing on scaffolding that was 7 stories high. .
29 years later, he painted the wall behind he altar. This is “The Last Judgement” .
Raphael Known for his paintings. “Madonna of Bellevedere” “Portrait of Madelena Doni”
Known for his “School of Athens”
Titian (Tish-un) Called the “Father of Modern Painting” because he was the first to exclusively paint with oil on canvas instead of wood panels. “Bacchus and Ariadne”
German Renaissance 1500-1520, in Germany (obviously) Major artist: Albrecht Durer Known for his woodcuts and engravings in black and white
Self Portraits
Took woodcuts from primitive art to HIGH art form.