Strategic Planning University SDA Church Officers Training Workshop October 21, 2007 Lemmy Manje
The quest for a holistic management approach! It’s better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.
The quest for a holistic and appropriate organizational structures! Having a good idea is one thing, Having a good strategy is another …You also need good organizational and Management structures!
Strategic planning is defined as finding the best FIT between 3 sets of forces. External Opportunities & Threats Mission Purpose Goals Internal Strengths & Weaknesses Barry, 1985
Strategic Planning and Management Monitoring and Evaluation Developing A mission Setting Measurable Objectives Crafting a Strategy To achieve The objectives Implementing And Executing the strategy
Critical Organizational Success Factors enthusiasm: desire to do the job high coalition & team building skills: building coalition of internal & external members Member orientation: balance between internal (team members) & external (church members) Organization orientation: the need to understand the vision and goals of the church
How well do you plan execution?
Work Overload Never take on more than you can Handle!
Plan your Work Plan Together Delegate Effectively Communicate!
Strategic Meetings very Critical!
Strategic Planning and Management Monitoring and Evaluation Developing A mission Setting Measurable Objectives Crafting a Strategy To achieve The objectives Implementing And Executing the strategy