Teaching TOB to Tots, Tweens, and Teens
Pope Saint John Paul : “And this theology of the body is the basis of the most appropriate method of the pedagogy of the body, that is, of man’s education…”(TOB 59:3) (emphases his).
Monica Ashour’s Publications—Pauline Books ToB for Tots ToB for Kids 1-4 Year Olds 5-8 Year Olds To show that TOB is possible to bring to level of children.
Curriculum Scope & Sequence ADVANCED FOR VOCATIONAL DECISION-7-8th Sexuality Masculinity and Femininity INTERMEDIATE-5-6th Gift of Self with the Body! Holiness: Body AND Soul Language of the Body FOUNDATIONAL-Pre-4th The Body as… Gift, Teacher, Sacrament., etc. The only proper response to a person is LOVE!
PARENT’S GUIDE: Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition by Monica Ashour. $10 Cash or Check made out to TOBET
Some Resources www.tobet.org PARENT’S GUIDE ($10) and Theology of His/Her Body—Awesome for Teens and Pre-Teens!! ($15) Don’t wait in line…If you want both, just grab books and hand me $25 cash or check made out to TOBET. TOBET also takes credit cards.