Direct Mail Catalogues Business Principles Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Business Outline STRATEGY Target Customer Merchandise Fulfilment Inventory Circulation Catalogue Production Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Target Customer Who are they? Where do they live? What and where do they buy? What do they read? How can I get their name and address? Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Merchandise Why would they buy this item, from me, by mail order? Ranges and Items Price Points Space Considerations Fulfilment Considerations Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Inventory Too little - wasted selling opportunity and customer dissatisfaction Too much - terminal stock issues Back orders Stock management Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Catalogue Production Design/Personality Photography Copy Format Pages Sales Vs Image Print & Paper Order Form Addressing Data processing Mailing and insertion Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Circulation Recruitment House File Lists Advertising PR Friends Shop names Other Segmentation Previous Buyers Previous Enquirers Remails Tactical activity Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Fulfilment Order Taking Goods In Picking Packing Despatch Returns Customer Service Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Profit from Buyers Loss from Prospecting Net Profit Fixed Costs Ray Morris-Hill Associates
Ray Morris-Hill Associates Conclusions Customer/Merchandise Relationship is critical Business must be carefully planned Each business component must be considered Resource requirements must be forecast, particularly cash Long term perspective is required Ray Morris-Hill Associates