31st CACCI Conference & 10th World Chambers Congress Round Table Session on Asian Council on Health & Education on 18-09-2017 the development of Health & Education Sector in Bangladesh Presented by: Mirza A. Syead, Mobile: +88-01756857507 Email: parents@iolbd.net FBCCI, Bangladesh
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest “ -Benjamin Franklin
OUtline 1. Introduction 2. Health Sector 2.1. Health Sector in Asia 2.2. Health Sector in Bangladesh 3. Education Sector 3.1. Education Sector in Asia 3.2. Education Sector in Bangladesh
2.1. Health Sector in Asia Table: 1- Public Health Expenditure (% of GDP) SL Asian Country Rate American & European Country 01 China 3.1 08 Canada 7.4 02 Japan 8.6 09 Australia 6.3 03 India 1.4 10 Denmark 9.2 04 Bangladesh 0.8 11 Germany 8.7 05 Malaysia 2.3 12 Italy 7.0 06 Nepal 13 USA 8.3 07 Srilanka 2.0 14 UK 7.6 Source: World Health Organization Global Health Expenditure database. Available at: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.XPD.PUBL.ZS
2.2. Health Sector in Bangladesh Article 15(A) and 18(1) of the Constitution of Bangladesh "Bangladesh's present achievements in health sector have set an example for many countries around the world.“ -Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General, World Health Organization (WHO) Bangladesh’s growth in health sector is most ‘striking’ among South Asian countries despite spending less on this sector than several neighboring countries. -British medical journal “The Lancet”
2.3. Bangladesh Government’s Policy Initiatives for Health Sector Health policy 2011 aims to ensure primary health care facilities for all; reduce health care service cost; reduce child & mother mortality rate. Bangladesh gives priority to family planning in the population policy. A separate “directorate of family planning” was created within the ministry of health and family welfare that secured sustained investment and developed innovative community-based interventions. First drug policy in 1982, established a list of mainly generic essential drugs
Policy initiatives ……..continued After the drug policy, the government established an essential drugs company ltd. In 1983 to produce and distribute drugs within the public sector in bangladesh. The investment eventually led the booming of private pharmaceutical industry, by the 1990s, more than 80 percent of essential medicines were produced locally and as result, ensured essential medicines became affordable to the people.
2.4. Health Sector Investment Opportunities in Bangladesh Table 02 SL Indicator Number 01 Population 163 million 02 No. of Hospital 1683 Table 03 Ratio (WHO standard) Ratio (Bangladesh) 03 Doctor/ Population Ratio 1:1400 1:12,690 04 Doctor/ Nurse Ratio 1:3 2.5:1
2.5. Health Education Table SL Type of Institute No. of Institute No. of Students Public Private Total 01 Medical University - 3,017 02 Medical College 36 68 104 15,248 21,508 36,756 03 Dental College 09 25 34 3,452 4,728 8,180 04 Nursing College 14 43 57 1,035 1,140 2,175 05 Nursing Institute 44 108 152 5,420 15,475 20,895 06 Health Technology 08 82 90 6,053 20,449 26,502 112 326 438 34,225 63,300 97,525
Example of success Bangladesh & Malaysia- Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Memorial KPJ Specialised Hospital and Nursing College Pharmaceutical Industry
3. Education 3.1. Education Sector in Asia Table: 5- Literacy Rate SL Asian Country Literacy Rate % No. of University American & European Country Literacy Rate% 01 Bangladesh 61.5 130 08 Canada 99 02 China 96.4 2,542 Colleges & universities 09 Australia 03 India 72.1 789 10 Denmark 04 Japan 1,200 11 Germany 05 Malaysia 94.6% 800 12 Italy 06 Nepal 64.7% 13 USA 07 Srilanka 92.6% 15 14 UK Source: Wikipedia
3.2. Education Sector in Bangladesh Article 15 & 17 of the Constitution of Bangladesh MDGs – (goal 2: achieving universal primary education) SDGs- (goal 4: quality education)
Table: 6-Higher Secondary Level Institutions & Students (BANBEIS-2016) 3.3. Table: 6-Higher Secondary Level Institutions & Students (BANBEIS-2016) Table:7-Number of University & Students Enrollment (BANBEIS-2016) Institute No. of Institution No. of Students Completion Rate (%) & Number 01 College 2419 6,41,234 77% 4,93,150 02 Madrasa 1478 4,49,767 3,46,320 03 Technical Institute 2409 5,21,099 87% 4,53,356 Total 6306 16,12,100 12,92,826 No. of University Students Enrollment Public Private Total 38 92 130 4,52,192 3,70,910 8,23,102
3.4.Bangladesh Government’s Policy Initiative National Education Policy 2010 E-book (www.nctb.gov.bd) International Mother Language Institute Providing scholarship to the poor students and girl students. Vocational Training Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (Jan 2009-Dec 2018) Cross Border Higher Education Rules 2014- for establishment and operation of branch campus and study centers
3.5. Investment opportunities in education sector in bangladesh Huge opportunity to establish campuses of renowned business schools, affiliations with foreign private universities. Joint venture initiatives with any local university or foreign investors to apply to operate branches or study centres in Bangladesh. Example- Bangladesh Institute of Management Studies (BIMS), BAC International, Bhuiyan Academy, British School of Law, Nottingham Law Academy, Daffodil Institute of IT, Cambridge Business and Law Academy
“There is no scope for lagging behind when the world is running fast “There is no scope for lagging behind when the world is running fast. We've to create skilled manpower, technical experts and scientists." -Sheikh Hasina Honorable Prime Minister People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Thank you all once again..