Walking and cycling certificates a successful step in lifelong learning
content FFT Context Life long learning line Walking certificates Cycling certificates Conclusions
1. About FFT Founded by Flemish Parliament, 1990 Mission Vision ‘Make people smarter’ less traffic victims + more sustainable mobility Vision Road safety & sustainable mobility go together Focus on education & awareness raising Life-long learning process General public + specific target groups Collaboration with relevant partners Smart and pragmatic approach
1. Fft results
2. Context - Belgium for dummies
2. Road safety fatalities and goals in flanders Source: SPF Economy, GD Statistics – Infographic: VSV
2. Road fatalities per mio inhabitants, EU (2014) Source: Eurostat, ADS, SVR (VRIND 2015)
2. Road fatalities according to age
2. Road fatalities according to age and transport mode
3. Life long learning line
3. Primary schools
3. Why Certificates? We copy what works Practice-oriented traffic education Step-by-step approach (from a protected environment to real traffic) Positive
4. Walking certificates Pedestrian certificate Bronze Pedestrian certificate Silver Pedestrian certificate Gold = The Great walking exam Kindergarten Hand in hand with an adult Real traffic Where is it safe, where not? First grade Under the supervision of an adult Place in traffic Crossing Fourth year Independent Crossing in different situations
5. Cycling certificates Balance bike certificate Bicycle certificate Bronze Bicycle certificate Silver Bicycle certificate Gold = The Great bicycle exam Nursery class Balance Protected environment First grade Stearing skills Second grade Traffic skills Sixth year Bicycle skills Real traffic
5. How does it work? Primary schools have goals concerning traffic education Principle ‘Teach the teacher’ With support of FFT (package, traffic parents, workshops for teachers, …) With involvement of the local actors Children love to walk and cycle
6. conclusions Road safety has to improve Road safety & sustainable mobility Young people love to walk and cycle Traffic and mobility education is necessary
information FFT Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde (VSV) www.vsv.be